Tutita M. Casa
Associate Professor, Elementary Mathematics Education
Curriculum and Instruction
Associate Professor
Academic Degrees:
Ph.D., Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis in Mathematics Education, University of Connecticut, 2004
Sixth-Year Degree, Educational Administration, University of Connecticut, 2001
M.S., Elementary Education, Syracuse University, 1996
B.S., Mathematics, University of Florida, 1994
Areas of Expertise:
Mathematical Discourse: Writing
Mathematical Discourse: Talk
Mathematics Education
Elementary Education
Teacher Education
Curriculum Studies
Many people think of mathematics as something that you “do” by following a teacher’s step-by-step guidance about how to solve problems. My work in discourse counters this perspective and instead is aimed at supporting teachers to empower students to grapple with the mathematics and engage with the discipline in ways similar to how mathematicians go about their work. Rather than asking myself whether or not I think students can learn any given math concept, I guide my work by identifying ways how I can get students to think about and ultimately understand them through oral and written discourse.
Students frequently write in math class, yet elementary teachers have had limited guidance about what and why they should have their students write. Thus, students may “write about math” rather than “write mathematically.” I currently am focused on developing and researching ideas about written discourse that aims to use writing to leverage the learning of mathematics. I directed a project funded by the National Science Foundation that brought together the Elementary Mathematical Writing Task Force, a group of university- and district-based educators with collective expertise in mathematics education, writing education, mathematics, English language learners, special education, gifted education, assessment, and curriculum. You can access the white paper outlining their recommendations about the types of and purposes for mathematical writing in the elementary grades and other resources published by our team here.
Curriculum resources also are major tools that can support the implementation of oral and written discourse. Prior to my current appointment, I worked extensively to develop and research the efficacy of advanced mathematics curriculum for elementary students. I served as Co-Principal Investigator for Project M^2: Mentoring Young Mathematicians for 6 years, a National Science Foundation research grant that developed challenging geometry and measurement units for kindergarten through Grade 2 students. As part of this work, I conceptualized the Student Mathematician Discourse Model that supported students’ mathematical communication that results in writing. Prior to that, I worked on Project M^3: Mentoring Mathematical Minds, a series developed for mathematically promising students in Grades 3 through 5 from which Project M^2 was conceived.
Funded Research:
2015-2018, Co-Principal Investigator, A Study of Elements of Teacher Preparation Programs That Interact with Candidates’ Characteristics to Support Novice Elementary Teachers to Enact Ambitious Mathematics Instruction, National Science Foundation
2011-2013, Principal Investigator, Professional Noticing of Mathematical Discourse-Related Practices by a Preservice and Inservice Teacher: A Case Study of a Coordinated Reform-Based University-Clinic Experience Model, Teachers for a New Era
2008-2009, Principal Investigator, Project Empower: A Pilot Study Investigating Students’ Learning of Basic Multiplication Facts and Strategies, Center for Research in Mathematics Education
2006-2007, Co-Principal Investigator, Preservice Teachers’ Confidence of Evidence-Based Decisions, Teachers for a New Era
Selected Publications:
Casa, T. M., Cardetti, F., & Colonnese, M. W. (2024). Framing our understanding of mathematical writing. In M. W. Colonnese, T. M. Casa, & F. Cardetti (Eds.), Illuminating and advancing the path for mathematical writing research (pp. 1-14). IGI Global.
Casa, T. M., Cavanna, J. M., & Pinter, H. H. (2024). Beginning to implement ambitious mathematics instruction: What promising first-year elementary teachers’ lessons can teach us. Investigations in Mathematics Learning. https://doi.org/10.1080/19477503.2024.2363711
Colonesse, M. W., Cardetti, F., & Casa, T. M. (2024). Elementary students’ argumentative and explanatory mathematical writing about fractions. School Science and Mathematics, 1-14. http://doi.org/10.1111/ssm.18302
Colonnese, M. W., Casa, T. M., & Cardetti, F. (Eds.). (2024). Illuminating and advancing the path for mathematical writing research. IGI Global.
Flathers, A. M., Paternostro, L. R., Resnick, S. B., & Casa, T. M. (2024). Calling student referees: Promoting small-group discourse. Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PK-12, 117(3), 195-201.
Freitas, A., E., Fujioka, R., Zmijewski, H. M., & Casa, T. M. (2024). Developing the write reasoning in kindergarten mathematics. Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PK-12, 117(2), 98-106.
Haggis, L., & Casa, T. M. (2024). A genre-based approach to mathematical writing: The development of practical support for educators. In M. W. Colonnese, T. M. Casa, & F. Cardetti (Eds.), Illuminating and advancing the path for mathematical writing research (pp. 155-172). IGI Global.
Casa, T., M., Arsenault, T., Powell, S. R., & Hebert, M. A. (2023). Assessing and scoring elementary mathematical writing: Considerations for researchers and practitioners. In Wright & T. Hodges (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Assessing Disciplinary Writing in Both Research and Practice. IGI Global.
Bellara, A. P., Montrosse-Moorhead, B. Casa, T. M., Gubbins, E. J. & Hayden, S. M. (2022). Making research-practice partnerships work for you: What might researchers want you to know. NASSP Bulletin, https://doi.org/10.1177/01926365221120395
Casa, T. M., Gilson, C., Bruce-Davis, M. N., Gubbins, E. J., Hayden, S. M., & Canavan, E. J. (2022). Maximizing the potential of mathematical writing prompts. Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching Prek-12, 115(8), 538-550.
Dorl, J., Casa, T. M., & LaBella, E. (2022). Developing young students’ expressive mathematical language. Young Children, 77(3), 32-41.
O’Connor, K., Dearborne, E., & Casa, T. M. (2021). Inquiry + math workshop model = Student centered success! Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching Prek-12, 114(3), 187-195. https://doi.org/10.5951/MTLT.2020.0366
Casa, T. M., Cardetti, F., & Gilson, C. (2020). An exploration of conferences between a preservice and inservice teacher about mathematical discourse. The Teacher Educator, 55(1), 66-87. Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/08878730.2019.1672228
Casa, T. M., Choppin, J. M., & Moschkovich, J. N. (2020). Crafting a research agenda for writing to reason mathematically. Available at s.uconn.edu/WritingInMath.
Pallanck, J. L., Castro, G. O., Colonnese, M. W., & Casa, T. M. (2020). Improving written mathematical arguments. Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching Pre-K–12, 113(11), 910-917.
Casa, T. M., MacSwan, J. R., LaMonica, K. E., Colonnese, M. W., & Firmender, J. M. (2019). An analysis of the amount and characteristics of writing prompts in grade 3 mathematics student books. School Science and Mathematics, 119,176-189.
Casa, T. M., Evans, K., Firmender, J. M., & Colonnese, M. W. (2017). Why should students write in math class?Educational Leadership (Disciplinary Literacy theme), 74(5).
Casa, T. M., Firmender, J. M., Gavin, M. K., & Carroll, S. R. (2017). Kindergarteners’ achievement on geometry and measurement units that incorporate a gifted education approach. Gifted Child Quarterly, 61(1), 52-72.
Firmender, J. M., Casa, T. M., & Colonnese, M. W. (2017). Write on: Reasoning through mathematical writing. Teaching Children Mathematics, 24(2), 84-92. [2017 Focus Issue addressing Learning Mathematics Through Reasoning and Problem Solving]
Firmender, J. M., Dilley, A., Amspaugh, C. A., Field, K., Lemay, S., & Casa, T. M. (2017). Beyond doing mathematics: Engaging talented students in mathematically creative writing. Gifted Child Today, 40(4), 205-211.
Powell, S. R., Hebert, M. A., Cohen, J. A., Casa, T M., & Firmender, J. M. (2017). A synthesis of mathematics writing: Assessments, interventions, and surveys. Journal of Writing Research, 8(3), 493-526.
Bostiga, S., Cantin, M., Fontana, C., & Casa, T. M. (2016). Math debate journals: Moving in the write direction. Teaching Children Mathematics, 22(9), 546-554.
Casa, T. M., Firmender, J. M., Cahill, J., Cardetti, F., Choppin, J. M., Cohen, J., … Zawodniak, R. (2016). Types of and purposes for elementary mathematical writing: Task force recommendations. Available at http://mathwriting.education.uconn.edu.
Casa, T. M. (December 2015/January 2016). It’s the right time to start writing! Teaching Children Mathematics, 22(5), 269-271.
Cohen, J., Casa, T. M., Miller, H. C., & Firmender, J. (2015). Characteristics of second graders’ mathematical writing. School Science and Mathematics, 115(7), 344-355.
Casa, T. M. (2014). Supporting writing with the student mathematician discourse framework. In K. Karp (Ed.), Annual perspectives in mathematics education 2014: Using research to improve instruction (pp. 107-117). Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Gavin, M. K., Casa, T. M., Chapin, S. H., & Sheffield, L. J. (2010-2013). Project M^2 advanced K-2 geometry and measurement units. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt.
Casa, T. M. (2013). Capturing thinking on the talk frame. Teaching Children Mathematics, 19(8), 516-523.
Gavin, M. K., Casa, T. M., Adelson, J. L., & Firmender, J. (2013). The impact of advanced geometry and measurement units on the achievement of grade 2 students. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, (44)3, 478-509.
Gavin, M. K., Casa, T. M., Firmender, J., & Carroll, S. R. (2013). The impact of advanced geometry and measurement curriculum units on the mathematics achievement of first-grade students. Gifted Child Quarterly, 57(2), 71-84.
Williams, M. M., & Casa, T. M. (December 2011/January 2012). Connecting class talk with individual student writing. Teaching Children Mathematics, 18(5), 314-321.
Casa, T. M., & Gavin, M. K. (2009). Advancing student understanding of quadrilaterals through the use of mathematical vocabulary. T. Craine, & R. Rubenstein (Eds.). Understanding Geometry for a Changing World, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 71st Yearbook (2009).
Gavin, M. K., Casa, T. M., Carroll, S. R., & Adelson, J. L. (2009). The impact of advanced curriculum on the achievement of mathematically promising elementary students. Gifted Child Quarterly, 53(3), 188-202.
Selected Honors/Awards:
National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) Curriculum Studies Award, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2017
“Connecting Class Talk with Individual Student Writing” noted by Teaching Children Mathematics’ Editorial Board’s as their favorite contribution of the yearly volume
2009 Gifted Child Quarterly Paper of the Year Award for “The Impact of Advanced Curriculum on the Achievement of Mathematically Promising Elementary Students”
Selected National Leadership:
Journal for Research in Mathematics Education Editorial Panel Chair, 2023-2024
Journal for Research in Mathematics Education Editorial Panel Member, 2021-2023
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference Program Committees
- 2024 Annual Conference
- 2022 Baltimore Regional Conference
- 2021 Baltimore Regional Conference
- 2019 Annual Conference
American Educational Research Association Division K Section 1 Co-Chair, Teaching and Teacher Education in the Content Areas, 2019-2022

tutita.casa@uconn.edu | |
Phone | 860 486 9078 |
Mailing Address | Unit 3033 |
Office Location | Gentry 413C |
Link | NEW! NCSM Podcast: Mathematics Teaching that Uncovers What Students CAN Do |