Megan Staples
Associate Professor
Curriculum &
Associate Professor of Mathematics Education
Affiliated Faculty, Department of Mathematics
Academic Degrees:
Ph.D, Mathematics Education, Stanford University, 2004
MA, Mathematics Education, Stanford University, 1999
BA, Mathematics, Brown University, 1992
Areas of Expertise:
Mathematics Education (Secondary)
Classroom Discourse
Collaborative Inquiry
Mathematical Argumentation and Justification
Student Groupings
Funded Research and Projects:
Staples, M. (2021) Collaborative proposal with Kristen Bieda, Michigan State. Advancing Equity Goals in Secondary Classrooms by Advancing Justification in Teaching. National Science Foundation (ECR-EDU Core research)
Staples, M., Cardetti, F., & Kersaint, G. (2020). Connecticut Noyce Math Teachers Leaders (MTL) Program. Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program, Division of Undergraduate Education (Track 3), National Science Foundation. (5-year program)
Evans, K., & Staples, M. (2020). Math Teachers’ Circle 4 Social Justice. Math Teachers’ Circle Network Small Grants program.
Aguiar, D., Staples, M., & Campbell, T. (2021). Supporting math and science teacher learning to address societal problems with data science and artificial intelligence. Google Computer Science- Educational Research grant program.
Staples, M. (2021). Articulating the Contributions of Mathematics to Democratic Participation. Dean’s Research Incentive Grant, Neag School of Education.
Bridging Math Practices – Math Science Partnership Grant (2016). (See the Bridging Math Practices website). CT State Department of Education and the US Department of Education.
Bridging Practices Among Connecticut Mathematics Educators – Math Science Partnership Grant (2014-2015) (See the Bridging Math Practices website). CT State Department of Education and the US Department of Education.
JAGUAR – Justification in Algebra: Growing Understanding of Algebraic Reasoning – National Science Foundation (2009 – 2013). National Science Foundation.
Math Leadership Academy (MLA) – Teacher Quality Partnership Grant (2011-2012). CT State Department of Higher Education.
ACCESS: Academic Content and Communication Equals Student Success- Teacher Quality Partnership Grant (2008-2009). CT State Department of Higher Education. Teachers’ Higher Order Thinking Lessons.
Selected Publications:
Staples, M., Seeto, K., & Wei, X. (accepted). Designing for Mathematically Enriched Democratic Dialogues: The MinD Lesson Model. Educational Designer.
Chorney, S., Evans, K. R., & Staples, M. (2024). Conceptualizing reasoning practices in the context of sociomathematical issues. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 73. Online and
Newton, J., Staples, M., Miller, T., & Berry, B. (Guest Editors) (2023). Special Issue: The Collective Endeavor of Learning: Reflecting on the Contributions of Terry L. Wood. Theory into Practice, 62(1).
Staples, M. & Cavanna, J. (2021). Student Argumentation Work Samples Sorting Task and Teachers’ Evaluations of Arguments. Mathematics Teacher Educator, 9(2), 94-109.
Staples, M. & Lesseig, K. (2020). Advancing a Teacher-Centered Perspective on Support-for-Claims Terminology. For the Learning of Mathematics, 40(1), 28-35.
Staples, M., Truxaw, M. P., & Cruz, V. (2020). Developing and Writing Language Objectives. Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PreK-12, 113(10), 828-834.
Bieda, K. & Staples, M. (2020, Feb). Justification as an equity practice. Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PreK-12, 113(2), 102–108.
Staples, M., & King, S. (2017). Eliciting, supporting and guiding the math: Three key functions of the teacher’s role in facilitating meaningful mathematical discourse. In D. A. Spangler & J. J. Wanko (Eds.), Enhancing Classroom Practice with Research behind Principles to Actions (pp. 25-36). Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. (Download chapter by clicking “Read an Excerpt” from NCTM’s website.)
Staples, M. & Newton, M. (2016). Teachers’ contextualization of argumentation in the mathematics classroom. Theory into Practice, 55(4), 294-301.
Staples, M., Newton, J., & Anagnostopoulos, D. (Guest Editors) (2016). Special Issue: Argumentation and Education in a Democratic Society. Theory into Practice.
Cioe, M., King, S., Ostein, D., Pansa, N., & Staples, M. (2015). Moving students to the “why?” Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 20(8), 285-291.
Staples, M. E., & Levine, T. H. (2014). Using a Conceptual Frame to Infuse Material about Emergent Bilinguals into a Teacher Education Course. In T. H. Levine, E. R. Howard, and D. M. Moss (Eds.), Preparing Classroom Teachers to Succeed with Second Language Learners: Lessons from a Faculty Learning Community. New York: Routledge.
Staples, M. E. (2014). Promoting student collaboration in a detracked, heterogeneous secondary mathematics classrooms. In Nasir, N. S., Cabana, C., Shreve, B., Woodbury, E., & Louie, N. (Eds.) Mathematics for Equity: A Framework for Successful Practice (pp 53 – 74). New York: Teachers College Press.
Boaler, J., & Staples, M. (2014). Creating mathematical futures through an equitable teaching approach: The case of Railside School. In Nasir, N. S., Cabana, C., Shreve, B., Woodbury, E., & Louie, N. (Eds.) Mathematics for Equity: A Framework for Successful Practice (pp 11 – 34). New York: Teachers College Press.
Staples, M. E., & Truxaw, M. P. (2012). An initial framework for the language of higher-order thinking mathematics practices. Mathematics Education Research Journal, 24(3), 257 – 281.
Staples, M., & Truxaw, M. (2011, Fall). Using language objectives to support linguistically diverse students in mathematics classes. The Connecticut Mathematics Journal, 18-35.
Hodge, A., Gerberry, C., Moss, E., & Staples, M. (2010). Purposes and perceptions: What do university professors see as their role in the education of secondary mathematics teachers? PRIMUS 20(8), 646-663.
Bochicchio, D., Cole, S., Ostien, D., Rodriguez, V., Staples, M., Susla, P., & Truxaw, M. (2009). Shared Language. Mathematics Teacher, 102(8), 606-613.
Staples, M., & Colonis, M. (2007). Making the most of mathematical discussions. Mathematics Teacher, 101(4), 257-261.
Betsy Carter Memorial Award for Mathematics Leadership, Connecticut Council of Leaders of Mathematics (CCLM), 2019
Robert A. Rosenbaum Award, Associated Teachers of Mathematics in Connecticut (ATOMIC), 2016
Linking Research and Practice Outstanding Publication Award, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics for “Moving students to the ‘why?’” published in Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 2015
Cavanna, J., Corbishley, J., Keogh, J., Madancy, C., Michalek, J., Mitchell, M., Staples, M. (2023). Equity in Mathematics Education: A Joint Position Statement for Connecticut. endorsed by the State of Connecticut, September 2023
President, AMTEC – Associated Mathematics Teacher Educators in Connecticut (2016 – 2022); Member (2006-present)
Member – NCTM Publishing Committee (2015-2017)
Member, NCTM – National Council of Teachers of Mathematics and ATOMIC – Associated Teachers of Mathematics in Connecticut
Board Member, CCLM – Connecticut Council of Leaders of Mathematics (2010-2014); Member (2010-present)
Member, AMTE – Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators
Member, ATOMIC – Associated Teachers of Mathematics in Connecticut
Member, Tracking and Detracking, Special Interest Group – American Educational Research Association
Member, Research in Mathematics Education, Special Interest Group. American Educational Research Association
Member, Psychology of Mathematics Education, North American Chapter (PME-NA)
Media Connections:
Creating an Alliance of Equitable Math Teacher Leaders Through CT’s Noyce Math Teacher Leaders Program. Video showcased at 2024 NCTM Annual Meeting.
Staples, M. (2016, January). Viewpoint: Girls’ math identity: Increasing participation by changing definitions.
Making Math a Priority: The State’s Strides (Manchester Patch – Math Leadership Academy)
Neag Math Duo Decodes Language Barriers to Math Reasoning (UConn-Hartford Math ACCESS Project) | |
Phone | 860 486 2097 (email is better) |
Mailing Address | Unit 3033 |
Office Location | Gentry 413B |
Campus | Storrs |
Courses | EDCI 3212: Introduction to Methods and Clinical Practicum in Secondary Mathematics Teaching; EDCI 4210W: Instruction and Curriculum in the Secondary School- Mathematics; EGEN 4100: Methods of Teaching - Mathematics; EDCI 5450: Teaching and Learning Mathematics in the Secondary School |