Connecticut's 097 and 102 Endorsements
The following instructions apply to those who have completed the Neag School's Reading and Language Arts Consultant Program (097) or Remedial Reading and Remedial Language Arts Program (102).
Please note that the state educator certification regulations may change frequently. Regardless of your career plans, it is in your best interest that you submit the application for state certification within 30 days after graduation from the Neag School.
Certification Process
Step 1: Reading candidates complete internal Neag process for certification before starting the process listed on this website.
- Watch short video on program paperwork
- Complete checklist
- Complete plan of study and submit via Quatrics (Dr. Gabriel will share link)
Step 2: Dr. Gabriel approves your plan of study
Step 3: Once you complete all required courses and the Pearson Reading Specialist test (for 102), send all of the following to Diane.Herlihy@uconn.edu:
- Approved plan of study
- Pearson Reading Specialist Test scores (for 102, list UConn as score recipient when you take test)
- All transcripts
- Copy of ED-126 form (completed by district) which shows 30 school months of successful teaching experience and/or ten months as a remedial reading and remedial language arts teacher (for the 097)
- Copy of your CT teaching license(s)
Step 4: The Neag certification staff will review all of your paperwork and complete your ED-170A form.
Final Steps:
Candidates apply online through the Connecticut Educator Certification System (CECS)
- Watch Applying for Certification Tutorial Video and review FAQs for more information
- During the application, you will select your certificate or position type: Select Administrator for 097 or Teacher/Educator for 102.
- Select your endorsement area: 097 Reading and Language Arts Consultant or 102 Remedial Reading and Remedial Language Arts, 1-12
- Educational History
- You will first select your bachelor’s degree and save
- The system will ask if you have college/university coursework/degree that is not shown and you will click Yes
- Add your master’s degree
- Add any other degree
- Professional History page asks, “Do you have any teaching, administrative, and/or special services experience that is not shown” (considered experience under a valid teaching certificate). Answer Yes
- In order to receive your 097 certification, you must have completed 30 months of teaching experience and 10 months as a remedial reading and remedial language arts teacher. To receive your 102 certification, you must have completed 30 months of teaching experience. Please have your school district/s complete the ED 126 Statement of Professional Experience form verifying you have met the experience requirement. The ED 126 form must be submitted directly from the district to the Bureau of Educator Standards and Certification.
- Continue with questions until complete.
- Pay $50 nonrefundable application review fee with a MasterCard, Visa or Discover Card.
- After submitting payment, you should receive a confirmation email. If you don’t receive one, check your spam folder.
After all courses are completed and your degree is posted to transcript (if applicable):
- The Neag School of Education Certification Officer will submit the institutional recommendation for certification to the CSDE. Candidates are eligible for Initial Educator Certificate.
- Transcripts:
- 102 candidates should order official copies of their transcript(s) from all institutions (official transcripts must come from institution, not candidate) and have them sent to Bureau of Educator Standards & Certification, P.O. Box 150471, Hartford, CT 06115-0471 or to teacher.etranscript@ct.gov. Wait to order your official UConn transcript until master’s/sixth year degree is posted (if applicable).
- 097 Candidates should order official copies of their transcript(s) from all institutions (official transcripts must come from institution, not candidate), including 1) evidence of a master’s degree or latest coursework before this program and; 2) evidence of all coursework for the 097, and have them sent to Bureau of Educator Standards & Certification, P.O. Box 150471, Hartford, CT 06115-0471 or to teacher.etranscript@ct.gov.
- If possible, mail your official transcript to CSDE for review. Due to the large volume of e-transcripts the Bureau receives daily, the e-transcript may expire before they are able to download and scan it into your file.
- Once all application materials have been received and reviewed (official transcripts, etc.), CSDE will send applicants a credential letter via email with a request for the fee balance.
- The certificate will be issued with the date of application or when all program requirements have been met.
If you have questions about your application, email teacher.cert@ct.gov.
Out-of-State Certification:
- Send state verification form to Diane.Herlihy@uconn.edu. Certification officer will sign form once all program requirements have been completed.
- Review Certification in Other States on Certification website (scroll to bottom of that page)
Contact the following Neag School staff with any certification questions:
Diane Herlihy
Administrative Services Assistant
Gentry 342
Ann Traynor, Ed.D.
Assistant Dean and Certification Officer
Gentry 340A