UConn Neag School of Education at the AERA 2024 Annual Meeting
The Neag School is excited to see so many alumni, faculty, students, and colleagues at the 2024 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting on April 11-14 in Philadelphia. Below you will find a few awards and accolades Neag School faculty will receive at this year's annual meeting, as well as a full schedule of Neag School-affiliated presentations and events.
2024 AERA Award Winners
Early Career Award Winners
Grace D. Player - Division G (Social Context of Education)
Dr. Player is an assistant professor in the Neag School's Department of Curriculum & Instruction. Her work is rooted in her experiences as a mixed-race Asian American woman of color and a daughter of a Japanese Brazilian migrant woman. She centers girls of color and has a longstanding commitment to collaborating with communities of color to work toward educational justice.
Danielle Filipiak - Division K (Teaching & Teacher Education)
Dr. Filipiak is an assistant professor in the Neag School's Department of Curriculum & Instruction. She has scholarly interests that sit at the nexus of youth critical (including digital) literacies, sociocultural literacy studies, and practitioner and participatory research approaches. Since joining the Neag School, Filipiak has established a record of excellence in teaching.
Outstanding Reviewers
Alyssa Hadley Dunn - American Educational Research Journal
Dr. Dunn is director of teacher education and an associate professor in the Neag School's Department of Curriculum & Instruction. Her work focuses on urban education for social and racial justice. She studies how to best prepare and support teachers to work in urban schools and how to teach for justice and equity amidst school policies and reforms that negatively impact teachers’ working conditions and students’ learning conditions.
Suzanne Wilson - Review of Educational Research
Dr. Wilson is the Neag Endowed Professor of Teacher Education. Her work concerns exploring various measures of teaching and teachers’ understanding that might be used for teacher education and education research, as well as studying the contemporary and jurisdictional battles over who should control teacher education and licensure.
Schedule of Neag School-Affiliated Presentations and Events
Thursday, April 11
9:00 to 10:30 a.m.
Poster Session: Strengthening Leadership Pipelines and Considering Teacher and District Leaders’ Perspectives of Improvement Initiatives
Pennsylvania Convention Center Second Floor, Exhibit Hall A
Poster: District Leaders’ Perspectives on Developing and Implementing District ARP-ESSER Plans
Co-Authors: Morgaen L. Donaldson, Alexandra J. Lamb
10:50 a.m. to 12:20 p.m.
Paper Session: STEM / Multi Learning Spaces
Pennsylvania Convention Center; Level 100, Room 107A
Paper: Who’s The Expert? Reconsidering Expertise in the Context of High-School Science Teacher-Scientist Partnerships
Co-Authors: Sarah Gilmore, Kristin Simmers, Ido Davidesco
Symposium: White Study Hall: Collective Investigations and Creative Responses to the Problem of Educational Whiteness
Pennsylvania Convention Center Level 100, Room 115B
Chair: Danielle R. Filipiak
12:40 to 2:10 p.m.
Invited Speaker Session: Race, Language, and Nationality as Geopolitical, Occupational, and Pedagogical Borders in Teaching and Teacher Education
Pennsylvania Convention Center; Level 100, Room 113C
Participant: Grace D. Player
Roundtable Session: Challenges and perspectives for Deaf Education with multilingual students
Pennsylvania Convention Center; Second Floor, Exhibit Hall B
Chair: Hannah M. Dostal
Paper: Challenges and Perspectives for Deaf Education Based on Self-Study Considering Multilingual e Pluricultural Reflections
Poster Session: Engineering and Computer Science Education Posters
Pennsylvania Convention Center; Second Floor, Exhibit Hall A
Poster: Using an Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Lens to Review Computational Thinking Research
Co-Authors: Julia Oas, Bianca Montrosse-Moorhead, Ido Davidesco, Dylan Boczar
2:30 to 4:00 p.m.
Roundtable Session: Exploring Promising and Innovation Practices in Teacher Education
Pennsylvania Convention Center; Second Floor, Exhibit Hall B
Chair: Cara Bernard
Roundtable Session: Practice-Based Reflection and Professional Development
Pennsylvania Convention Center; Second Floor, Exhibit Hall B
Paper: Inservice Teachers, Intersectionality, and the Influence of Instructional Coaches
Co-Authors: Ben Wasserman, Robert Bagchi, John Settlage
4:20 to 5:50 p.m.
Roundtable Session: Issues in Music Education
Pennsylvania Convention Center; Second Floor, Exhibit Hall B
Paper: Music Teachers’ Definitions and Examples of “Student Engagement”
Co-Authors: Joseph Abramo, Cara Bernard
Symposium: Advancing a Transnational Comparative Framework for Racial Equity in Higher Education
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown; Level 4, Franklin 13
Chair: Franklin A. Tuitt
Paper: A Comparative and Intersectional Anti-Blackness Framework for Humanizing Higher Education
Author: Saran Stewart
Invited Speaker Session: Learning from New Research on Large Scale Efforts to Disrupt Racial Injustices in Education
Pennsylvania Convention Center; Level 200, Room 201A
Paper: The Economic Benefits of Equity Across California Schools
Author: Julia Oas
7:30 to 9:30 p.m.
Event: Neag School of Education Reception
Le Meridien Philadelphia; Lobby Level, Abele Library
RSVP for the reception.
Friday, April 12
7:45 to 9:15 a.m.
Poster Session: Social Policy and Education
Pennsylvania Convention Center; Second Floor, Exhibit Hall A
Paper: The Politics of Crisis Leadership: Examining Educator Responses to the Capitol Insurrection
Author: Alyssa Hadley Dunn
Paper Session: Diversity, Identity, and Equity in College Athletics: Perspectives on Recruitment, Experience, and Labor
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown; Level 4, Room 402
Paper: Exploring the Perspectives of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Professionals at Power 5 Institutions
Author: Ayaa Elgoharry
Symposium: Challenges and Considerations for Creating Equitable Identification Systems
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown; Level 3, Room 303
Chair: Del Siegle
Paper: Identification Criteria Decisions Impact Cognitive Ability Profiles and Demographic Representation
Author: D. Betsy McCoach
Paper: Can Local Norms Work Without Data From All Students?
Co-Authors: Daniel A. Long, D. Betsy McCoach, Anthony J. Gambino, Del Siegle
Paper: Four Complications For Implementing Local Norms
Author: D. Betsy McCoach
Paper: How Do Teacher Rating Scales Reflect the Teacher Doing the Rating?
Co-Authors: D. Betsy McCoach, Anthony J. Gambino, Daniel A. Long, Del Siegle
9:35 to 11:05 a.m.
Paper Session: Frameworks for Inclusivity and Readiness in Special Education: Insights from Transition Planning and UDL Implementation
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown; Level 3, Room 303
Paper: Examining Economic Hardship, Transition Planning, Self-Determination and Independent Living Skills for Transition-Aged Youth Using NLTS2012
Co-Authors: Allison Lombardi, Graham Gilbert Rifenbark, Ashley Taconet
Paper: Multilevel Examination of School and Student Characteristics on College and Career Readiness
Co-Authors: Allison Lombardi, Graham Gilbert Rifenbark, Christopher M. Esposito, Ashley Taconet
Roundtable Session: Rethinking Innovative Pedagogies for Multilingual Learners
Pennsylvania Convention Center; Second Floor, Exhibit Hall B
Paper: Exposure to Dialogic Instruction During Covid-19 Benefits Students’ Argumentative Writing: Evidence From Propensity Score Analysis
Author: Zachary K. Collier
Roundtable Session: Racial Equity in School Choice Processes
Pennsylvania Convention Center; Second Floor, Exhibit Hall B
Paper: Getting to School: Transportation Equity in School Choice
Co-Authors: Casey D. Cobb, Charles Wentzell, Kelly Farrell-Denke
Roundtable Session: Principal Leadership and School District Personnel Staffing to Support High-Quality Conditions for Teaching and Learning
Pennsylvania Convention Center; Second Floor, Exhibit Hall B
Paper: How Feedback and Fit Are Associated with Second-Year Teachers’ Enactment of Equitable, Ambitious Mathematics Instruction
Co-Authors: Dorothea M. Anagnostopoulos, Tutita M. Casa
Invited Roundtable: Meet the Journal Editors
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown; Level 5, Salon G
Journal: Multicultural Perspectives Journal
Editor: Alyssa Hadley Dunn
11:25 a.m. to 12:55 p.m.
Structured Poster Session: Justice-Centered Pedagogy: Context-Specific Adjustments and Cross-Cutting Constants
Pennsylvania Convention Center; Level 100, Room 102AB
Poster: Teachers’ Understandings of Justice-Centered Ambitious Science Teaching Practices
Co-Authors: Todd Campbell, Hannah Cooke
Poster: A Justice-Centered Ambitious Teaching Framework as a Sacrificial Model for Collaborative Conversations
Co-Authors: Todd Campbell, Hannah Cooke
Business Meeting: Educational Change SIG Business Meeting
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown; Level 4, Franklin 3
Chair: Jennie Weiner
Invited Speaker Session: Critical Literacies in Teaching and Teacher Education
Pennsylvania Convention Center; Level 100, Room 103B
Participant: Sakeena Everett
Invited Speaker Session: Division D Mentoring Session
Pennsylvania Convention Center; Level 100, Room 117
Participant: D. Betsy McCoach
3:05 to 4:35 p.m.
Symposium: Exploring Race and Identity in International Education Experiences
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown; Level 3, Room 308
Paper: “I have more awareness of myself in context”: A comparative analysis of pre-service teachers’ engagement with race in study abroad
Co-Authors: Michele Back, David M. Moss, Douglas K. Kaufman
Paper: Exploring Discipline-Specific Education Abroad Programming to Support Preservice Teacher Learning about Race and Culture
Author: David M. Moss
Paper: International Experiences as a Catalyst for Racial Identity Development
Author: Jon Simmons
Discussant: Jon Simmons
Paper Session: Higher Education Pathways: From High School to College and Beyond
Pennsylvania Convention Center; Level 100, Room 108B
Paper: Investigating a Test-Optional University Admissions Policy: How Students Decide Whether to Submit Test Scores
Co-Authors: Morgaen L. Donaldson, Kiah DeVona, Catherina Villafuerte, Eric Loken
Roundtable Session: Mathematics Education: Black Women Teachers, Student Agency, and College Placement and Readiness
Pennsylvania Convention Center; Level 200, Room 204ABC
Paper: Secondary School Policies that Support Black Students Earning a Placement in Calculus Upon Enrollment into Institutions of Higher Learning
Author: Kenya Overton
4:55 to 6:25 p.m.
Roundtable Session: Race, Equity, and Language in Science Teaching and Learning
Pennsylvania Convention Center; Second Floor, Exhibit Hall B
Paper: Science Teachers’ Race Talk: A Review of the Literature
Author: Hannah Cooke
Roundtable Session: Fostering Inclusive Engagement: Insights from Student Experience
Pennsylvania Convention Center; Second Floor, Exhibit Hall B
Paper: Developing Relational Leaders Through Sorority Engagement: A Quantitative Approach
Author: Adam M. McCready
Paper: Development and Validation of the College Student Organization New Member Hazing Experiences Scale
Author: Adam M. McCready
Roundtable Session: Power Vacuums: The Construction and Critique of Knowledge Production in the Academy
Pennsylvania Convention Center; Second Floor, Exhibit Hall B
Paper: A Critical Systematic Review of the Community College Peer-Reviewed Literature
Co-Authors: H. Kenny Nienhusser, Omar Romandia
Symposium: Youth as our ‘Present Already’; Youth Led Spaces at the Center of Advocacy, Research, Practice, and Design
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown; Level 3, Room 302
Paper: Designing toward dignity: Exploring the literacy productions of youth solutionaries in a YPAR filmmaking class
Author: Danielle R. Filipiak
6:45 to 8:15 p.m.
Business Meeting: Brain, Neurosciences, & Education SIG Business Meeting
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown; Level 3, Room 304
Participant: Kristin Simmers
Saturday, April 13
7:45 to 9:15 a.m.
Symposium: Unveiling Whiteness in Education: An Exploration Through Critical Theories and Methodologies
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown; Level 4, Franklin 10
Paper: The Miseducation of a white Puerto Rican in Hartford, CT
Author: Luz Burgos-Lopez
Paper Session: Legal Pathways of Discrimination
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown; Level 4, Room 407
Paper: Charter Schools and State Action: Religious Charter Schools and New Frameworks to Consider
Author: Preston C. Green
Structured Poster Session: Collaborative Development of a Framework for Food-Energy-Water Nexus Education
Pennsylvania Convention Center; Level 100, Room 103B
Paper: Interrogating Food, Energy, and Water Decision-Making for Local, Regional, and Global Systems Thriving
Author: Todd Campbell
11:25 a.m. to 12:55 p.m.
Poster Session: GSIC Poster Session II
National Council on Measurement in Education 2024 Annual Meeting - 11:25 a.m. to 12:25 p.m.
Pennsylvania Convention Center; Fourth Floor, Terrace Ballroom IV
Poster: A Modified Bisquare Estimation Procedure for Identifying Partial Disengagement
Author: Claudia J. Ventura
Roundtable Session: Towards Critical and Reflexive Elementary Social Studies Education
Pennsylvania Convention Center; Second Floor, Exhibit Hall B
Paper: Exploring the Methods, Foci and Findings of Research on Elementary Social Studies Methods Courses
Co-Authors: Sara Harvel, Thomas H. Levine
Roundtable Session: What Worked to Promote Student Outcomes in High Schools
Pennsylvania Convention Center; Second Floor, Exhibit Hall B
Paper: Accelerating Literacy for Adolescents (ALFA): Evaluating ALFA Lab Using a Regression Discontinuity Design
Author: Christopher H. Rhoads
Paper Session: Challenges and Resistance of Women of Color
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown; Level 3, Room 306
Paper: Implications of the “Glass Cliff” Phenomenon for Women Leaders in Independent Schools
Author: Jennie Weiner
1:15 to 2:45 p.m.
Paper Session: Division K - Section 2 Paper Session
Pennsylvania Convention Center; Level 100, Room 104A
Paper: EduDisruptors: Teachers on Instagram Amidst the Great Resignation
Author: Alyssa Hadley Dunn
Paper Session: Organizational Dynamics in Educational Effectiveness: Exploring Conditions, Leadership, and Typologies
Pennsylvania Convention Center; Level 100, Room 118C
Paper: Generating School Typologies to Inform Investigations of Organizational Influences on Educational Effectiveness
Co-Authors: John Settlage, Ben Wasserman, Robert Bagchi
3:05 to 4:35 p.m.
Symposium: Promoting and Assessing Sociocultural Competence in Dual Language Bilingual Education Programs
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown; Level 4, Franklin 6
Chair: Elizabeth R. Howard
Paper: Working Collaboratively with DLBE Teachers: Creating a Sociocultural Competence Toolkit to Inform Classroom Practice
Co-Authors: Elizabeth R. Howard, Dominique Galvez, Manuela Wagner
Paper: Using the Rasch-Guttman Scenario (RGS) Framework to Develop a Sociocultural Competence Measure for Dual Language Students
Co-Authors: Elizabeth R. Howard, Dominique Galvez, Manuela Wagner
Discussant: Manuela Wagner
Roundtable Session: Closing the Theory to Policy and Practice Gap: An Examination of the Role of Critical Theories
Pennsylvania Convention Center; Second Floor, Exhibit Hall B
Paper: Affirming Rebellion: Incorporating Resistance in Convergence, Divergence, and Reclamation (C-D-R)
Co-Authors: Franklin A. Tuitt, Kelly Schlabach, Omar Romandia
Roundtable Session: Research on Giftedness, Creativity, & Talent SIG Roundtable: Diversity, Equity, and Identification
Pennsylvania Convention Center; Second Floor, Exhibit Hall B
Paper: Dismantling the Box: Understanding the Relationship between Creativity and Equity Orientations in Education
Author: Sarah Luria
6:45 to 8:15 p.m.
Business Meeting: Media, Culture and Learning SIG Business Meeting and Reception - Learning for the World to Come: Building Futures for Educational Research
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown; Level 4, Franklin 4
Chair: Danielle R. Filipiak
Business Meeting: We in this Jawn: Turning Toward the Wisdom of Local Literacies - Business Meeting and Reception
Pennsylvania Convention Center; Level 100, Room 118C
Officer: Grace D. Player
Sunday, April 14
7:45 to 9:15 a.m.
Paper Session: Advancing Complex Multilevel Modeling Techniques Through Simulation
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown; Level 4, Room 402
Paper: Mixed Effects Location-Scale Models: Methodological and Substantive Considerations
Author: Jennifer Richardson
Paper Session: Settler Colonial Educational Policies and Practices in the U.S. Empire
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown; Level 4, Room 401
Paper: Determining Biological Citizenship: Creating and Effacing Difference in Puerto Rico’s Education
Author: Beth Nieves
Paper Session: Methods and Advancements in Mixture Modeling
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown; Level 4, Room 406
Paper: Classify With Caution: An Illustrative Example Using Mixture Models and Machine Learning
Co-Authors: Marcus A Harris, D. Betsy McCoach
Paper: Signals of Uncertainty and Misspecification in Latent Class Analysis
Co-Authors: Zachary K. Collier, Joshua Sukumar
Paper Session: (Re)Conceptualization Change at Scale: New Visions for and Models of Educational Change
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown; Level 3, Room 307
Paper: District Leaders’ Theories of Change: ARP-ESSER Planning and Implementation
Co-Authors: Alexandra J. Lamb, Jennie Weiner
Roundtable Session: Empowering Education: Insights from Research on Writing, Math, Diversity, and Resource Management
Pennsylvania Convention Center; Second Floor, Exhibit Hall B
Paper: Humanizing Policy Implementation in Higher Education Through an Equity-Centered Approach
Author: H. Kenny Nienhusser
Roundtable Session: A Critical Examination of the Complexities of Being Asian in Higher Education Settings
Pennsylvania Convention Center; Second Floor, Exhibit Hall B
Paper: Exploring Asian International School Counseling Students’ Everyday Experiences in CACREP-Accredited Programs
Author: Latoya Haynes-Thoby
9:35 to 11:05 a.m.
Paper Session: Classroom Observation and Instructional Change
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown; Level 4, Franklin 7
Paper: Video-Based Observations for Examining Changes in Classroom Practice
Co-Authors: Catherine A. Little, Rachael Ann Cody
Symposium: The Persistence of School Segregation and Opportunities for Change: Lessons from New York City
Pennsylvania Convention Center; Level 100, Room 115A
Paper: “At What Cost?” New York City Young Activists’ Shifting Perceptions of School Integration
Author: Alexandra J. Freidus
Paper: Beyond the Black/White Binary: Reconceptualizing Integration for Racial Justice
Author: Alexandra J. Freidus
Paper Session: Educational Statisticians SIG Paper Session
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown; Level 5, Salon L
Paper: A Systematic Review of Machine Learning for Propensity Score Estimation
Author: Zachary K. Collier
Paper Session: Towards increased cultural connectedness, race-consciousness, and critical care: School administrator and Student Perspectives
Pennsylvania Convention Center; Level 100, Room 117
Paper: Principals Conceptualizing their Role Relative to Undocumented Students: A Critical Neoinstitutional Perspective
Author: Chelsea Connery
Workshop: Constructing an ArtSpace to Resist BIPOC Fragmentation and to Construct Possibilities for Educational Justice: An Arts Workshop
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown; Level 3, Room 302
Presenter: Grace D. Player
11:25 a.m. to 12:55 p.m.
Paper Session: Agency and Voice in the Math Classroom
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown; Level 3, Room 305
Paper: Amplifying All Students’ Voices: The Development of the Comprehensive Mathematical Discourse Framework
Co-Authors: Tutita M. Casa, Fabiana Cardetti
Paper: How Self-Efficacy, Perceived Collective Responsibility, and Feedback Predict Beginning Teachers’ Enactment of Ambitious Mathematics Instruction
Co-Authors: Dorothea M. Anagnostopoulos, Tutita M. Casa
Paper: A Co-Inquiry to Promote Access, Agency and Justification Activity in Algebra II Classrooms
Co-Authors: Megan E. Staples, Serena Anthonypillai, Isabella Llano
1:15 to 2:45 p.m.
Paper Session: Applying Theory to Student Experiences: Understanding the Various Social Contexts of Higher Education
Pennsylvania Convention Center; Level 100, Room 105B
Paper: A Quantitative Examination Of Social Justice Orientation Among Members of a Historically White Sorority
Author: Adam M. McCready
Symposium: Cultivating Girl and Women of Color Collective Spaces: Reimagining Pedagogies and Methodologies that Center our Stories and Language and Literacy Practices
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown; Level 3, Room 302
Paper: Curators of Educational Dreams: Girls of Color as Creators of Liberatory Artspaces
Author: Grace D. Player
Symposium: Dual Language Bilingual Education: Trends, Policy, Pedagogy, and Future Directions
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown; Level 4, Franklin 6
Paper: Academic and Language Outcomes in Spanish-English DLBE Programs
Author: Elizabeth R. Howard
3:05 to 4:35 p.m.
Roundtable Session: Administration and Adversity
Pennsylvania Convention Center; Second Floor, Exhibit Hall B
Paper: Selective Public Research Universities in the U.S. Responses to Recent High-Profile Incidents of Anti-Black Violence
Author: Franklin A. Tuitt
Roundtable Session: Geopolitics and Global Crises: Regionalism, Internationalization, and Higher Education
Pennsylvania Convention Center; Second Floor, Exhibit Hall B
Paper: Resistance and Imperial Universities: University of Hawaii and the University of Puerto Rico
Author: Luz Burgos-Lopez
Paper Session: Evaluation Research on teachers, students, schools, and programs
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown; Level 4, Room 401
Paper: How are Youth Included in Evaluation Studies?
Co-Authors: Bianca Montrosse-Moorhead, Amanda Sutter, Chisomo Phiri