Jillian Ives

Assistant Research Professor of Higher Education

Expertise: Expertise: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Higher Education; Equity-Based Teaching and Learning; Equity-Based Faculty Development; First-Generation College Students; Minoritized College Students’ Learning Experiences

Educational Leadership


Assistant Research Professor

Academic Degrees:

PhD in Learning, Leadership, and Education Policy – University of Connecticut

MA in Higher Education and Student Affairs – University of Connecticut

BA in Culture and Communication – Ithaca College


Jillian Ives is an Assistant Research Professor at the University of Connecticut and a former academic advisor. Her research asks how we can approach teaching and learning in higher education classrooms in ways that advance educational equity. She examines educational equity within three interrelated streams: college instructor teaching, students’ learning experiences, and the disciplinary and organizational practices that support equitable teaching and learning. Specifically, Dr. Ives studies how college instructors learn to teach in more culturally relevant and socially just ways that center minoritized college students’ learning, and the organizational structures and professional development that support those efforts. Her research also examines how college students make sense of these types of pedagogies, and how college teachers and administrators can transform practices to create more equitable learning environments for students with minoritized identities. Collectively, her research agenda sheds light on how creating more equitable subject-matter learning in higher education—affirming, valuing, and including non-dominant ways of knowing and being—not only enhances students’ learning, but improves the discipline, academy, and broader community. Dr. Ives has published in The Journal of Higher Education, Review of Educational Research, among other outlets.

Select Publications:

Equity-Based Teaching Collective (2024). Equity-Based Teaching in Higher Education: The Levers That Institutions Can Use for Scaling Improvement. Every Learner Everywhere. https://transformlearning.everylearnereverywhere.org/equity-teaching/  

Ives, J., & Nienhusser, H. K. (2022). The influence of gender on women’s college-going behaviors in an urban school context. The High School Journal, 105(4), 247–272. https://muse.jhu.edu/pub/12/article/899826

Castillo-Montoya, M., & Ives, J. (2021). Transformative practices to support first-generation college students as academic learners: Findings from a systematic literature review. Journal of First-Generation Student Success, 1(1), 20–31. https://doi.org/10.1080/26906015.2021.1890948

Castillo-Montoya, M., & Ives, J. (2021). Instructors’ conceptions of minoritized college students’ prior knowledge and their related teaching practices. The Journal of Higher Education, 92(5), 735–759. https://doi.org/10.1080/00221546.2020.1870850

Ives, J., & Castillo-Montoya, M. (2020). First-generation college students as academic learners: A systematic review of the literature. Review of Educational Research, 90(2), 139–178. https://doi.org/10.3102/0034654319899707

Jillian Ives
Contact Information
Mailing Address249 Glenbrook Rd., Unit 3093 Storrs, CT 06269
Office LocationGentry 204