Connecticut's 061 Speech and Language Pathologist Endorsement
The Neag School of Education offers a Speech and Language Pathologist (SLP) certification program. Students must be enrolled in UConn's Master of Arts program in Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences (SLHS) in order to apply to and enter the certification program. Students are required to complete coursework in special education, regular education, human development or psychology, classroom instruction and management, and health. An SLP practicum assignment (EPSY 5188) in a public school setting enables a student to complete student teaching requirements for certification while they are enrolled in the M.A. program.
The following instructions apply to those who have completed the Neag School's Speech and Language Pathologist (SLP) certification program. Please note that the state educator certification regulations may change frequently. Regardless of your career plans, it is in your best interest that you submit the application for state certification within 30 days after graduation from the Neag School.
Please note: The CSDE will not process your paperwork until you complete the Department of Public Health (DPH) required SPE and obtain your health license OR a letter from the DPH stating that you have met all requirements and are eligible for a year of Supervised Professional Experience (SPE) employment. Please hold onto this form/letter and send it together with your health license.
Certification Process
SLP candidates will start the certification process in the spring semester you will graduate (no earlier than May 1). Candidates apply online through the Connecticut Educator Certification System (CECS).
- Watch Applying for Certification Tutorial Video and review FAQs for more information
- Create an account
- During the application, you will select your certificate or position type: Special Services
- You will then select your endorsement area: 061 Speech and Language Pathologist
- Educational History
- Select your bachelor’s degree and save
- The system will ask if you have college/university coursework/degree that is not shown, and you will click Yes
- Add master’s degree
- When asked whether or not you have graduated with your master’s, you can check, “Yes” even though your degree will not officially be posted until later this month. The official conferral date will be May 11, 2025. If you have already applied for certification and checked “No”, that is fine too.
- Professional History page asks, “Do you have any teaching, administrative, and/or special services experience that is not shown (considered experience under a valid teaching certificate). Answer No
- Continue with questions until complete.
- Pay $50 nonrefundable application review fee with a MasterCard, Visa, or Discover Card.
- After submitting payment, you should receive a confirmation email. If you don’t receive one, check your spam folder.
After master’s degree is posted on transcript in Student Admin (typically late May/early June):
- The Neag School of Education Certification Officer will submit the institutional recommendation for certification to CSDE. Candidates are eligible for Initial Educator Certificate.
- Candidates should order official copies of their transcript(s) from all institutions (official transcripts must come from institution, not candidate) and have them sent to Bureau of Educator Standards & Certification, P.O. Box 150471, Hartford, CT 06115-0471 or to teacher.etranscript@ct.gov. Wait to order your official UConn transcript until master’s degree is posted.
- If possible, mail your official transcript to CSDE for review. Due to the large volume of e-transcripts the Bureau receives daily, the e-transcript may expire before they are able to download and scan it into your file.
- Once all application materials have been received and reviewed (official transcripts, etc.), CSDE will send applicants a credential letter via email with a request for the fee balance.
- The certificate will be issued with the date of application or when all program requirements have been met.
If you have questions about your application, email teacher.cert@ct.gov.
Contact the following Neag School staff with any certification questions:
Diane Herlihy
Administrative Services Assistant
Gentry 342
Ann Traynor, Ed.D.
Assistant Dean and Certification Officer
Gentry 340A