Dr. Jason G. Irizarry
Professor of Curriculum and Instruction
Jason G. Irizarry is dean of the Neag School of Education, professor, and faculty associate in El Instituto: Institute for Latina/a, Caribbean and Latin American Studies. He most recently served as the Neag School’s interim dean and, prior to that, as associate dean for academic affairs. He has taught undergraduate and graduate courses in multicultural education, culturally responsive curriculum development, participatory action research, and urban education. A central focus of his work involves promoting the academic achievement of youth in urban schools by addressing issues associated with educator preparation. His first book, The Latinization of U.S. Schools: Successful Teaching and Learning in Shifting Cultural Contexts, was awarded the Phillip C. Chin Book Award from the National Association for Multicultural Education. He is also the co-editor of Diaspora Studies in Education: Toward a Framework for Understanding the Experiences of Transnational Communities. Irizarry has an Ed.D. from the University of Massachusetts-Amherst.
His research interests include urban teacher recruitment, preparation, and retention with an emphasis on increasing the number of teachers of color, culturally responsive pedagogy, youth participatory action research, and Latino/a students in U.S. schools.
Dorothea Anagnostopoulos
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Associate Professor
Dorothea Anagnostopoulos is associate dean for academic affairs at the Neag School and an associate professor of curriculum and instruction. As associate dean, she oversees and maintains high-quality academic programs across the Neag School while developing and leading the implementation of inclusive, equity-oriented community building, networking, and professional development programming for faculty. She also directs School-wide accreditation efforts and monitors course enrollments.
Anagnostopoulos previously served as the Neag School’s executive director of teacher education from 2013 to 2019.

Morgaen L. Donaldson
Associate Dean for Research
Philip E. Austin Endowed Chair
Morgaen L. Donaldson is associate dean for research at the Neag School, the Philip E. Austin Endowed Chair, and the director of the Center for Education Policy Analysis, Research, and Evaluation (CEPARE) and the Neag School’s Ed.D. program.
In her role as associate dean for research, Donaldson works with faculty and staff across the School in developing and enacting a plan to support research and the securing of grants, and also is responsible for developing initiatives to enhance the research climate and provide opportunities in the Neag School for faculty, staff, and students to expand their research skills, funding sources, and productivity. Donaldson also will serve as a resource and facilitator for Neag School faculty and staff who are considering writing grants, have operational questions concerning funded grants, or are encountering problems or difficulties with grant-related activities.

Barbara Sousa
Assistant Dean and Chief Operating Officer
Barbara Sousa serves assistant dean and chief operating officer of the Neag School. In this role, she is responsible for managing the administration of the Neag School of Education and acts as the chief agent for all administrative matters, including overseeing the areas of fiscal administration, facilities, information technology, human resources, and the Dean’s Office operations.

Ann Traynor
Assistant Dean and Certification Officer
Ann Traynor, assistant dean and certification officer for the Neag School, directs advising, educator certification, recruitment, retention, and career preparation School-wide. She is also a member of the University’s Advising Council and serves on the Neag School’s Assessment, Curricula and Courses, and Global Education Committees, as well as co-chair, Standard 3, for the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) Accreditation Self-Study.

Dean’s Office Staff
- Katie Gelsomini, Assistant to the Dean; 860.486.6841; katie.gelsomini@uconn.edu
- Marcy Jarzabek, Director of Development; 860.462.3905; mjarzabek@foundation.uconn.edu
- Emily Murray, Director of Alumni Relations; emurray@foundation.uconn.edu
- Mikala Kane, Director of Communications and Digital Strategy; 860.486.4777; mikala.kane@uconn.edu