Chen Chen

Assistant Professor

Expertise: Sport Management

Educational Leadership


Assistant Professor, Sport Management

Academic Degrees:

Ph.D., Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation, University of Alberta
MA, International Journalism and Communication, Renmin University of China
BA, Journalism, Renmin University of China

Areas of Expertise:

Qualitative Methodologies 
Critical Social Research in Sport
Sport, (Settler) Colonialism, and Decolonization
Race and Asian Diaspora in Sport
Globalization, Political Economy, and Ecology


  • Currently an assistant professor of sport management at the Neag School of Education, Dr. Chen Chen describes himself as a grateful visitor from China to the land known as Connecticut (originated from the Algonquin word ‘Quinnehtukqut’, which means ‘beside the long tidal river’). Chen takes an interdisciplinary approach to explore the intersection of sport with capitalism, colonialism, and imperialism. He is particularly interested in how non-dominant epistemologies can mobilize sport, education, and movement spaces to be more just and equitable, facilitating more meaningful community-building toward decolonization and collective liberation.
  • Chen is a North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM) Research Fellow and an editorial board member for the Sociology of Sport Journal. His research has been published in the Journal of Sport Management, Event Management, Sociology of Sport Journal, International Review for the Sociology of Sport, European Sport Management Quarterly, Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise, and Health, Leisure/Loisir, European Journal for Sport and Society, The International Journal of the History of Sport, Quest, Settler Colonial Studies, and Cities. Chen is a leader, organizer, and staunch advocate for working-class students and scholars, and those of other underrepresented backgrounds. He is the founding organizer of the Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) caucus at the annual North American Society for the Sociology of Sport (NASSS) conference. Chen is on the board of advisors at the Sporting Justice Collective and a full member of the Sport Ecology Group.
  • Recently, Chen co-edited an open-access, bilingual educational booklet titled ‘How to be a Chinese Ally’, the first resource of its kind for the overseas Chinese community to reflect upon its collective complicity and responsibility on the settler-occupied Indigenous land. This publication received the Art Publication Award from Ontario Galleries (GOG) in 2022.

Selected Publications:

Chen, C. (2024). Contesting Fan Tokens under Crypto-Capitalism: How sport NFT furthers the hypercommodification of fandom. International Journal for Sports Marketing and Sponsorship. 

Chen, C., & Mason, D. S. (2023). Indigenous sport nationalism, settler borders, and (in)convenient solutions: Media framing of the 2010 Iroquois Nationals passport dispute. Settler Colonial Studies. 

Brown, L. E. C., Chen, C., Ferguson, T., Szto, C., Weems, A. J., & Welch, N. (2023). Futures–Past,” A Reflection of Forty Years of SSJ: An Introduction. Sociology of Sport Journal, 40(4), 346 – 351.

Chen, C. (2023). Sport and imperialism today: Time for (an)other anti-imperialist front. Sport in Society, 26(11), 1891-1912.

Chen, C. (2023). The (ecologically) imperial mode of sport at the exterminist stage of capitalism: Counter stories against the Dakar Rally’s ride in South America (2009 – 2019). International Review for the Sociology of Sport. 

Chen, C. & Kellison, T. (2023). The Clock is Ticking: Contexts, Tensions, and Opportunities for Addressing Environmental Justice in Sport Management. Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal, 13(3), 376 – 396.

Peers, D., Joseph, J., Chen, C., McGuire-Adams, T., Fawaz, N. V., Tink, L., Eales, L., Bridel, W., Hamdon, E., Carey, A., & Hall, L. (2023). An intersectional Foucauldian analysis of Canadian national sport organisations’ ‘equity, diversity, and inclusion’ (EDI) policies and the reinscribing of injustice. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 15(2), 193 – 209. 

Chen, C., & Davidson, J. (2022). Settler Colonialism as Environmental Injustice: Rogers Place and Edmonton, Canada. In T. Kellison (ed.). Sport Stadiums and Environmental Justice (pp. 172-187), Routledge. 

Chen, C. (2022). Professional Sport, Settler Multiculturalism, and Exalted Chinese Arrivants: Re-Remembering the “China Clippers”. In S. Bien-Aime and C. Wang (eds). Perceptions of East Asian and Asian North American Athletics (pp. 175 – 198), Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.

Chen, C. (2022). Internationalization for whom and for what? Ethical questions for sport management programs in Global North universities. Quest, 74(3), 299- 318.

Chen, C. (2022). Naming the ghost of capitalism in sport management. European Sport Management Quarterly, 22(5), 663-684.

McGuire-Adams, T., Joseph, J., Peers, D., Eales, L., Bridel, W., Chen, C., Hamdon, E., & Kingsley, B. (2022). Awakening to Elsewheres: Collectively Restorying Embodied Experiences of (Be)longing. Sociology of Sport Journal. 39(4), 313-322.

Singer., N., Agyemang, K., Chen, C., Walker, N., & Melton, N. (2022). What is Blackness to Sport Management? Manifestations of Anti-Blackness in the Field.Journal of Sport Management36(3), 215-227.

Chen, C., & Mason, D. S. (2022). When two worlds collide: The unsettling experiences of non-Indigenous volunteers at 2017 World Indigenous Nations GamesLeisure/Loisir, 46(1), 69 – 95.

Peers, D., Joseph, J., McGuire-Adams, T., Eales, L., Fawaz, N., Chen, C., Hamdon, E., Kingsley, B., (2022). We become gardens: Intersectional methodologies for mutual flourishing. Leisure/Loisir.

Chen, C. (2021). (Un)Making the international student a settler of color: A decolonizing autoethnography. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 13(5), 743-762. 

Chen, C. (2021). How useful is racial justice? Deliberating racial justice enunciations in sportEuropean Journal of Sport and Society, 18(3), 192-207.

Chen, C. (2021). When Chen Meets ChanCultural and Pedagogical Inquiry, 12(2), 40 – 41.

Chen, C., & Mason, D. S. (2019). Making settler colonialism visible in sport management.Journal of Sport Management, 33(5), 379-392. 

Sant, S. L., Mason, D. S., & Chen, C. (2019). “Second-tier outpost”? Negative civic image and urban infrastructure development.Cities87, 238-246. 

Chen, C., & Mason, D. S. (2018). A postcolonial reading of representations of non-western leadership in sport management studies. Journal of Sport Management32(2), 150-169. 

Chen, C., &. Mason, D. S. (2018). Hockey’s significant others: Canadian newspaper coverage of elite migrant athletes in the 1980s and 1990sInternational Journal of the History of Sport35(10), 985 – 1007. 

Chen, C., & Mason, D. S. (2016). Professional sports franchises and city status: Los Angeles and the National Football League, In V. Fletcher (ed.), Urban and rural developments: Perspectives, strategies and challenges (pp. 133-150). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers.

Media Appearance/Public Scholarship:

Chen, C., & Mole, B. (Host). (2024). Ecological imperialism through sport? The Dakar Rally and other stories [Audio podcast episode]. Sustainable Sport.

Adjepong, A., Chen, C., De Martini Ugolotti, N., Mwaniki, M., Ratna, A., Sailofsky, D., Mellis, J., Kalman-Lamb, N., & Silva, D. (Hosts). (2024). Episode 123: Complicity and Solidarity: Sport, Higher Education, and Palestine/Israel [Audio podcast episode]. The End of Sport.

Chen, C., Kalman-Lamb., & Silva, D. (Hosts). (2023b). Episode 115: The Sport Management Episode, Part Two [Audio podcast episode]. The End of Sport.

Chen, C., Kalman-Lamb., & Silva, D. (Hosts). (2023a). Episode 114: The Sport Management Episode, Part One [Audio podcast episode]. The End of Sport.

Chen, C., Nachman, J., & Levi, N. (Hosts). (2023). Imperialism and Sport [Audio podcast episode]. Sport, Social Justice and Development Podcast.

Chen Chen.
Contact Information
Mailing AddressU-3093
Office LocationGentry 217A