Latoya Haynes-Thoby
Assistant Professor of Counseling
Expertise: Counselor Education and Supervision, Trauma-Informed Counseling, Intimate Partner Violence, Black Feminist & Intersectional Frameworks, Mixed-Methods Research Design
Ph.D., Counselor Education and Supervision, Pennsylvania State University
M.Ed., Counselor Education, Pennsylvania State University
Dr. Latoya Haynes-Thobyis an Assistant Professor of Counselor Education at the University of Connecticut. Dr. Haynes-Thoby draws from her belief that human beings thrive in community; and that individuals, families, and communities thrive in relationship. Her work explores the benefits of trauma prevention and trauma-responsive counseling that is culturally relevant and promotes resilience. As such, her research focuses on individual and community healing from trauma.
Dr. Haynes-Thoby’s current research focuses on trauma resilience, thriving after trauma, and counselor development. Her research on trauma and resilience focuses on factors that contribute to resilience, access to care, and trauma’s impact on human development, including spiritual development. Her research on counselor development consists of trauma-informed care in counselor training, cultural competence, and trauma-informed supervision.
Her research agenda is brought forth through applied research methods, including the exploration of culturally specific factors that contribute to resilience, and the operationalization of trauma-informed counseling that promotes success. She approaches her work with a trauma-informed lens, and through perspectives that are rooted in Black-feminist and intersectional frameworks. Her research aims are to broaden what we understand about human resilience, especially related to marginalized communities and intimate partner violence. Other related research interests include community resilience, career development, access, and accessibility, especially in counselor training, supervision, and preparation.
Dr. Haynes-Thoby is interested in supporting new counselors to understand the impact of trauma, and to consider both trauma prevention, resilience, and life after trauma. Her research aims to honor the clients who trust us with their stories, and the community-rooted protective factors that support their well-being.
Advisory Council, National Board for Certified Counselors, Minority Fellowship Program, Mental Health Council
Vice President-Elect of Division E, American Educational Research Association
Practice Advisory Group Member, Association for Counselor Education and Supervision
Selected Grants:
Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES). Operationalizing Trauma-Informed Counselor Supervision. ($3,000; Awarded 2024).
CT COVID-19 Education Research Collaborative (CCERC). ($225,000; Awarded 2023).
American Educational Research Association (AERA). Using Literature to Foster Positive Self-Concept: Fostering Resilience in a Time of Ongoing Collective Trauma. ($3,927; Awarded 2021).
Selected Publications:
Puig, M., Swank, J., Haynes-Thoby, L., & Palladino, D. (2022). Foundations in becoming a professional counselor: Advocacy, social justice, and intersectionality. Springer Publishing Company.
Refereed Publications
Brown, T.T.C., & Haynes-Thoby, L. (In Press). Grieving out loud. Journal of Trauma Studies in Education.
Dowie-Chin, T., Haynes-Thoby, L., Coleman-King, C., & Brown, T.T.C. (2023). Reimagining academia: Lessons from Black M(other)Scholars during our duel with the dual pandemics. Journal of African American Women and Girls in Education, 3(1), 49-57.
Haynes-Thoby, L., Pérez, J.F., & Bryan, J. (2022). It’s About Time That We Listened: Black Women’s Resilience in the Face of IPV. Journal of Couples & Relationship Therapy, 22(2), 130-149.
Coleman-King, C., Brown, T.T.C., Haynes-Thoby, L., & Dowie-Chin, T. (2022). Reclaiming Our Time: Black Mothers Cultivating the Homeplace During Times of Crisis. Journal of Social Issues, 1-13.
Leath, S., Butler-Barnes, S., & Haynes-Thoby, L. (2022). They just keep coming: Exploring how racialized violence informs racial grief and resistance among Black mothers. Child and Family Studies, 31, 1-18.
Coleman-King, C., Brown, T. T. C., Haynes-Thoby, L., & Dowie-Chin, T. (2022). Dreaming beyond boundaries: Reimagining the role of Black mothers in culturally sustaining pedagogy. Voices in Urban Education, 50(2), 118-127.
Zeligman, M., Prescod, D. J., & Haynes-Thoby, L. (2020). The relationship between trauma symptoms, developmental work personality, and vocational identity. Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision.
Prescod, D. J., Haynes-Thoby, L., Naderman, K., & Belser, C. (2020). Including Gottfredson’s career theory in STEM initiatives geared towards students of color. Journal of Negro Education.
Book Chapters
Edwin, M., Haynes-Thoby, L., & Bryan, J. (2022). Using equity-focused school-family-community partnerships to enhance career development and postsecondary transitions for students of color. In E. M. Hines & L. Owens (Eds.), Equity-Based Career Development and Postsecondary Transitions. Information Age Publishing Inc.
Zalaquett, C., & Haynes-Thoby, L. (2019). Contexts of Cultural and Systemic Influence. In L. Lopez Levers & D. Hyatt-Burkhart (eds.), Clinical Mental Health Counseling (the “Work”). Springer Publishing Company.
Selected Presentations:
Haynes-Thoby, L. (2024, September). Operationalizing Trauma-Informed Supervision. Paper presented at the North-Atlantic Region Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Conference, Atlantic City, NJ.
Haynes-Thoby, L. (2024, July). Supporting the Career Imagination for Women Navigating Intimate Partner Violence Safety. Paper presented at the Thomas Jefferson University Philadelphia Trauma Training Conference, Philadelphia, PA
Haynes-Thoby, L., & Huang, P. (2023, October). Trauma-Informed Supervision in Counselor Preparation. Paper presented at the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision. Denver, CO
Haynes-Thoby, L. (2023, June). Operationalizing Trauma-Informed Practices Within Community-Facing Organizations. Paper presented at the Bridging the Gap Symposium. Atlanta, GA.
Brown, T.T.C., & Haynes-Thoby, L. (2023, April). Grieving out loud: An interdisciplinary understanding of Black girlhood and culturally reflective trauma informed care. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Conference, Chicago, IL.
Haynes-Thoby, L. (2023, March). School Counselor’s Use of Culturally-Responsive Interventions During a Dual Pandemic: Building Resistance and Resilience. Paper presented at the Evidence-Based School Counseling Conference, Columbus, OH.
Haynes-Thoby, L. (2022, April). Using literature to foster positive self-concept: Fostering resilience in a time of ongoing collective trauma. American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.
McCray, E., Brown, T. C., Bhattacharya, K., Haynes-Thoby, L., Coleman-King, C., Duggins, S., Jones, N. E., & Green, A. J. (2022, April). Each one, teach one: Building theory and instrumentation to address race across the undergraduate curriculum. American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.
Coleman-King, C., Brown, T. C., Haynes-Thoby, L., Dowie-Chin, T. (2022, April). Dreaming beyond boundaries: Reimagining the role of Black mothers in culturally sustaining pedagogy. American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.
Brown, T. C., Coleman-King, C., Haynes-Thoby, L., Dowie-Chin, T. (2022, April). Reclaiming our time: Black mothers cultivating homeplace during the time of crisis. American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.
Haynes-Thoby, L. (2021, September). Community Resilience: A call for trauma-informed counseling in homeless services during the pandemic. Paper accepted for presentation at the Bridging the Gap Symposium. (Moved to remote format due to COVID-19 restrictions).
Haynes-Thoby, L., & Prescod, D. J. (2021, June). Navigating career during persistent and collective trauma: A social cognitive career theory approach. Paper accepted for presentation at the National Career Development Association Conference. (Presented virtually due to COVID-19 restrictions).
Haynes-Thoby, L., Bryan, J., & Dedeoglu, N. (2021, March). Trauma-informed school counseling interventions: School Counselors as Leaders. Paper accepted for presentation at the Evidence-Based School Counseling Conference, Boca Raton, FL. (Originally accepted for 2020 conference, but moved to 2021 due to COVID-19).
Haynes-Thoby, L., & Prescod, D.J. (2020, June). Promoting social justice and access through trauma-informed career counseling. Paper accepted for presentation at the National Career Development Association Conference, Minneapolis, MN.
Haynes-Thoby, L. (2019, May). Trauma-Informed Supervision. Paper accepted for presentation at the International Association for Counseling, Moncton, NB, Canada.
Haynes-Thoby, L., & Prescod, D.J. (2020, May). Building Resilience Through Cultural Knowings: Factors that Contribute to Resilience for Black Women with Histories of Intimate Partner Violence. Paper presented at the Bridging the Gap Symposium, Washington, DC. (Moved to a remote format due to COVID-19)
Haynes-Thoby, L., & Prescod, D.J. (2019, June). Addressing Barriers and Building Success: Trauma-Informed Career Counseling. Paper presented at the National Career Development Association Conference, Houston, TX.
Prescod, D.J., Haynes-Thoby, L., Naderman, K., & Belser, C. (2019, June). Including Gottfredson’s Career Theory in STEM Initiatives Geared Towards Students of Color. Paper presented at the National Career Development Association Conference, Houston, TX.
Haynes-Thoby, L. (2019, May). Trauma-Informed Schools: Establishing Safe Learning Spaces for Children and Adolescents from Minoritized Groups. Paper presented at the National Board of Certified Counselors Foundation, Bridging the Gap Symposium, Atlanta, GA. | |
Phone | 860.486.0201 |
Office Location | Gentry 315A |
Campus | Storrs |
Office Hours | By appointment |
Research Interests |