Submit to the Neag School of Education Journal

Neag School of Education Journal logo.Submissions for the 2024-2025 issue of the Neag School of Education Journal are now closed. Submissions to the 2025-2026 issue will open in Spring 2025.

Please review our requirements, instructions, and deadlines prior to submitting a paper for review. Note that submissions submitted earlier will be reviewed before those submitted later but will not receive any other substantive advantage during the review process.

Submission Requirements

Manuscripts must include a structured abstract of between 150 to 250 words.

Heading definitions and suggested length of sections (Adapted from the Journal of Engineering Education):

  • Background. Present the problem that motivated the paper. Try to phrase this in a way to communicate the importance of the research or position. (2-3 sentences)
  • Purpose. Succinctly the goal of the research project or what is the primary aim of the article. (1 sentence)
  • Methodology/approach. Describe the sample population (if applicable), research design, conceptual framework, and/or analytic approach. If the paper is an essay or reflection, speak to the information and/or experiences that informed your current position. (2-3 sentences)
  • Findings/conclusions. Provide an overview of your consequential findings (if reporting an empirical study) or conclusions (if advancing a conceptual argument). It is recommended that you share findings in plain terms. (2-3 sentences)
  • Implications. Present 1-2 major takeaways that follow from your findings/conclusions. What is the main contribution you are making to knowledge, theory, research methodology, or practice? What should change as a result of your work? Ensure that this section relates to the background and purpose stated earlier. (2-3 sentences)

Please also include 3 to 5 keywords.

Manuscripts must be original papers no longer than 30 pages in length (typed in Times New Roman 12-point font). This page length excludes the abstract, as well as all references, diagrams, and appendices.

Manuscripts must be one of four types: research articles, essays, literature reviews, or personal reflections. Of course, the manuscript must deal with a topic of interest to those in the field of education. Guidance as to the types of submissions is available below.

All manuscripts must follow the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), 7th Edition, with citations and references properly formatted according to the publication’s guidelines.
Manuscripts will not be accepted for publication if they are currently under review or consideration by any other journal, press, or publication. Authors are responsible for withdrawing their submissions to other publications prior to submission to the Journal and may not submit the same manuscript elsewhere during the review process. Furthermore, submitted manuscripts must not have been previously published in another journal, press, or publication. Manuscripts accepted for publication may be submitted to other journals after publication in the Neag School of Education Journal, subject to the terms and conditions of The Neag School of Education Journal’s Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).

Documentation of Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval or exemption, if required, must be secured by the authors prior to submitting the manuscript.

The first author of the manuscript must be a graduate student currently affiliated with accredited institutions of higher learning or an individual with a postdoctoral position or jobs outside of the professoriate.

Each manuscript may have an unlimited number of authors, provided that every listed author has substantially contributed to the production of the manuscript in some manner. When multiple authors are listed, one author should be designated as the corresponding author. All authors must give written consent to the submission of the manuscript in question and should be available to approve any major editorial decisions.

Each person listed as an author should include a short bio (50 words) describing their position/title, university affiliation, college or department, and any other relevant information. Please include a funding acknowledgement statement, if applicable.

Types of Manuscripts Being Solicited

Research Articles

Original research conducted by a graduate student that fills a hole or gap within the literature for a particular area of study. It may be a pilot study, which is a smaller scale study used to improve the quality and efficiency for the main research study. It may encompass replication or reproducibility studies. This may include either IRB and non-IRB (e.g., program evaluation, case studies) approved research projects. Generally those research techniques are done in preparation for a larger study, and may include some of the following: (a) sample recruitment strategies, such as recruitment rate; (b) data collection instruments; (c) protocols testing; (d) recruitment rates; (e) retention rates; (f) budget and time problems that might occur during a main study; (g) possible data and human optimization, such as issues at participating centers, data management, and personal management; (h) treatment safety, such as estimation of treatment levels and responses, and of treatment effect and its variance.


A paper developed because of an assignment in a class which may not fit into any of the other categories.

Essays synthesize an area of inquiry that provides compelling evidence to support the author’s novel synopsis. The essay is derived and supported by evidence and can be developed as a result of an assignment, exploration of a theory or framework, acknowledgment and suggestions for alleviating gaps in research, or opinions and editorials (i.e., op-ed).

Literature Reviews

A paper that both summarizes and synthesizes existing scholarship on a specific subject.   It provides a focused, critical overview of current research as well as analysis of issues, shortfalls, methodologies, and contrasting perspectives in the published body of work on the topic.  A literature review is driven by a research question and organized with an introduction, body, and conclusion.

Personal Reflections

Reflective papers may encompass reflection in and on action regarding the research process. Authors may share lessons learned from mistakes, challenges, or interesting barriers they faced which other graduate students may find helpful. These pieces would be written using “I,” and will offer advice and metacognitive insight into a particular aspect of the research process such as content validation, recruitment, statistical analysis, literature review, etc.

Neag School Journal Submission Form

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