Did you know 165 out of 166 school districts in Connecticut employed Neag alumni in the 2009-10 school year?
Did you know that 3,094 Neag alumni currently work in Connecticut schools?
Neag’s assessment director, Mary Yakimowski, and graduate students have been analyzing employment patterns of 1986-2008 graduates. The demographics tracked annually include where the graduates are working, how each category is broken down by gender and race/ethnicity, and even which districts employ the most graduates from each field or concentration. Of the 166 school districts in CT, only one district, Derby, did not employ a Neag graduate during the 2009-2010 school year.
“We are learning how to display this information visually and collaborated with the Mapping and Geographic Information Center (MAGIC) from the university’s library,” said John Harris, IB/M graduate student in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. “Using a special mapping software, we were able to generate maps illustrating how many alumni are employed during the school year by district.”
According to Dr. Yakimowski, “Hopefully what we have learned — where our graduates are working — will be a stepping stone to assessing the impact Neag graduates have on their students.”
For more information, contact Mary at mary.yakimowski@uconn.edu.