Category: Academics

Read stories related to the Neag School of Education’s academic programs.

Ten Tips for Parents of Students Going to College this Fall

August 25, 2011

Understand the challenge of this time for both you and your son or daughter.  For you, this is a time of both loss and freedom. While your teen is getting ready to leave your home, you are also reducing your responsibilities.  As your child is dealing with this departure, he or she is also beginning […]

Dr. Jason Irizarry Publishes Book on “The Latinization of U.S. Schools: Successful Teaching and Learning in Shifting Cultural Contexts”

August 4, 2011

Despite the rise in Latino population in the United States, academic achievement in schools is scarcely recognized among Latino youth. Dr. Jason G. Irizarry, an assistant professor of multicultural education in the Neag School of Education’s Department of Curriculum and Instruction, analyzed this issue of underachievement in his recently published book, The Latinization of U.S. […]

Grip Strength Is Good Indicator of Overall Health

August 4, 2011

When Richard Bohannon does physical therapy with his stroke and cancer patients, the one thing he always makes sure to check is their grip strength. While not yet widely used in the medical community, a grip strength test can be an important screening tool in assessing a person’s overall health, says Dr. Bohannon, a professor […]

Dr. Casa Publishes Book on “Preventing Sudden Death in Sport and Physical Activity”

August 4, 2011

Alarming headlines surrounding sport-related deaths in recent media coverage has prompted national discussion regarding the causes of these conditions and how to prevent them. Dr. Douglas J. Casa, Ph.D., ATC, FACSM, FTNATA, a professor of kinesiology in the Neag School of Education and COO of the Korey Stringer Institute, jumped on board regarding the pressing issue […]

Failing Bright Kids: Connecticut Schools Struggle to Retain Gifted-student Programs

August 4, 2011

Nigel Hayes, 9, of Frenchtown Elementary School in Trumbull, looks forward to Wednesdays. That’s when he and 23 other fourth-graders identified as academically gifted in the district converge on Middlebrook School to spend the morning exploring issues not addressed in their assigned classrooms. One recent day, they were investigating the relationship between red knot birds and horseshoe […]

Invest in Positive School Culture to Prevent Bullying Behavior

July 12, 2011

Rather than react to bullying incidents in schools with heavily punitive policies, a systemic, preventive approach that avoids demonizing students and strengthens the overall climate in classrooms is the way to go, Neag School of Education‘s George Sugai and co-authors advise in a paper prepared for President Obama’s White House Conference on Bullying Prevention held […]