Let’s Aim Beyond Standards

September 21, 2011

Raised by my grandparents, I grew up in China. After every major exam, my school ranked every student. No matter how well I did, I was never the No. 1 kid in the class, and my grandmother never seemed satisfied. One day after she scolded me again for only scoring 96 on a math test […]

Compression Suits Provide Competitive Advantage

September 21, 2011

To be the best, athletes are always searching for a competitive edge on and off the playing field. A new study by Professor of Kinesiology William Kraemer of the Neag School of Education shows that wearing a full-body compression suit is one way athletes can improve their performance even while they rest. Known as “recovery […]

Neag’s Dr. Pescatello Provides Insight Into Genomics Role On Exercise Performance

September 21, 2011

Linda S. Pescatello recently published Exercise Genomics, the first book of its kind to provide an extensive look into the research development and expert opinion on genetics and genomics across a range of exercise-related traits, including exercise performance, health-related fitness and physical activity. The book emphasizes the analyses and comprehension of researchers from around the […]

Scientific Breakthrough at Greenwich High School

September 21, 2011

“This is likely to be the most significant building block that these students will have in science,” said Dr. David Moss, an associate professor at the Neag School of Education at UConn, who specializes in environmental education, teacher education, international and cross-cultural learning, and curriculum studies. Moss is referring to the new Integrated Science class […]

Robot Speaks the Language of Kids

September 21, 2011

A robot delivers a karate chop or makes drumming motions and a child imitates the robot, taking delight in a novel playmate. But if a child with autism imitates the robot, much more than that may occur. Two researchers with the Center for Health, Intervention, and Prevention (CHIP) at the University of Connecticut are studying […]

Educators. Illuminating the Path to Success.

September 21, 2011

The UConn Neag School of Education’s reputation is well known nationally for its outstanding teacher education training program that continues to foster student success and produce educators that will teach the students of tomorrow. The UConn Alumni Association is proud to showcase some of our top notch Neag School of Education graduates from Connecticut whose […]

Another Successful Year of Confratute Concludes

September 21, 2011

For the past 34 years, Storrs, Connecticut has attracted thousands of educators worldwide for a highly acclaimed, weeklong program sponsored by the Neag Center for Gifted Education and Talent Development.  Attended by over 550 educators from 34 states and 13 countries, this year’s Confratute was a blending of educators interested in gifted education, differentiation of […]

Homecoming 2011

September 21, 2011

Before going to the big football game, join fellow alumni at the Homecoming Barbeque on Saturday, October 15, 2011. Say hello to your favorite mascot at the UConn Alumni Association’s Homecoming Barbeque. Enjoy grilled eats and UConn pride at the #1 location to get ready for the game. Also, the Neag Alumni Society will have […]

Neag Alum Dr. James Lyons Chosen as Dillard University’s Interim President

September 21, 2011

Neag alum, Dr. James E. Lyons Sr., was named Dillard University’s interim president in July, further developing his well-accomplished career in higher education. The three-time university president, who was honored in 2000 with the Neag School of Education Distinguished Alumnus Award, attributes much of his success to the University of Connecticut. Dr. Lyons attended UConn as […]