Daniel Long, a Beman parent and research scientist at the UConn Neag School of Education, said he was concerned about the increase of instructional coaches in the district, which has risen from 27 to 45 over the last five years, while the number of teachers has stayed relatively constant.
Join us in the UMC Glenn Miller Ballrooms on May 1, 2023 for the Best Should Teach Lecture and Awards Ceremony followed by Keynote Alyssa Hadley Dunn, Director of Teacher Education and Associate Professor of Curriculum and Instruction, Neag School of Education, University of Connecticut.
UConn Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor Sandra Chafouleas of the Neag School of Education then got the crowd going with audience volunteers as she led a hands-on discussion of how students can feel their best.
What defines a mortifying moment? “There is a potential window where you might or might not have the resilience to withstand criticism,” says Beghetto, who was also influenced by James C. Kaufman, author of the forthcoming book The Creativity Advantage. “What I found in the initial exploratory study is a particular shame, which is really an indictment of the self coupled with the belief that you can’t get better.”
The symposium was titled “Are We at a Fork in the Road?” and explored implications and opportunities for AI in evaluation. It was hosted by Dr Sarah Mason of the University of Mississippi and Dr Bianca Montrosse-Moorhead of the University of Connecticut, co-editors of New Directions for Evaluation, a publication of the American Evaluation Association.
“This is the first study to show that the extent to which students’ and teachers’ brainwaves are in sync during real-world learning can predict how well students retain information from class,” says lead author Ido Davidesco, an assistant professor at the University of Connecticut’s Neag School of Education and a former postdoctoral fellow at New York University, where the study was conducted.
If the court eventually rules in favor of religious charter schools, as some legal experts expect, it could have broad implications for the separation of church and state, as well as lead to more charter schools and less money for traditional public schools.
“This is a huge deal,” said Preston Green, an education law professor at the University of Connecticut, “and not just for red states, but for the entire country.”
Preston Green, a professor of educational leadership and law at the University of Connecticut, sees the fight for reparations as a long-term effort to shine a light on persistent racial disparities. “When we deal with issues of race, this country has a very difficult time with it,” Green said. “I think that’s why it’s taking its time to really percolate.”
Should the question make its way to the Supreme Court, Preston Green, a professor at the University of Connecticut who studies educational law, believes that the court’s conservative majority would be likely to embrace charter schools as “private actors,” opening the door to religious charters.
“I just can’t see them saying ‘no’ to this, if they get a chance,” he said.
The Neag School of Education, UConn’s Department of English, and the Connecticut Writing Project (CWP), co-sponsors of the 31st annual Letters About Literature contest, are proud to announce Connecticut’s winners for the 2022-23 academic year.