Category: Neag in the Media

Read stories by or about Neag School faculty, alumni, students, and other members of the community that appear in external news outlets.

One Big Upside of Career and Tech Programs? They Push More Kids to Graduate

April 19, 2018

As a high school teacher in Pennsylvania, Shaun Dougherty noticed that students in career-focused programs seemed much more engaged than his other students. Now a researcher, Dougherty set out to see whether data backed up his experience. Could the programs not just prepare students for the workforce, but keep students from dropping out of school? To find out, Dougherty studied Massachusetts’ 36 vocational and technical high schools.

West Hartford Resident Named Outstanding Educator

April 18, 2018

Jennifer Lanese has been named the 2018 Outstanding School Educator Award recipient by the University of Connecticut’s Neag School of Education Alumni Board. Lanese was recognized on March 17 at the Neag School’s 20th Annual Alumni Awards Celebration in Storrs, Conn.

Forbes Under 30: Amanda Slavin is Disrupting How to Raise Companies to the Next Level

April 13, 2018

The vivacious Amanda Slavin is cofounder and leader of Catalyst Creativ, an “experience studio” with expertise in marketing, events and design. Prioritizing solving internal pain points before creating on and offline campaigns, Catalyst Creativ digs deep into a company’s DNA. Hear Slavin talk about running a holocratic-style company, her thoughtful approach to solving conflict – and how she overcame a lukewarm reception from Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh, who later became an investor.

‘Starbucks Classrooms,’ Plus Six Other New Approaches in Education

April 3, 2018

“A trauma-informed approach is critical for schools,” says Sandra Chafouleas, a professor of educational psychology at University of Connecticut who has researched the topic. She says the new push helps school staffs identify and provide counseling for the estimated one-half to two-thirds of students who, according to the Education Law Center, probably have experienced trauma.

The Big Picture Key to PD

April 2, 2018

Suzanne M. Wilson has researched teacher knowledge, curriculum reform, education policy, measures of
teaching effectiveness and professional development. As the Neag Endowed Professor of Teacher Education, Wilson has found PD to be most impactful and engaging when instruction connects to a district’s curriculum, assessments and leadership policies.