Category: Students

Read stories, issue briefs, op-eds, and more by or about Neag School current students.

Healthy Husky: Exercising for Change

January 28, 2014

While New Year’s may seem like a distant past due to the now busy, shuffling life of the semester, an important part of New Year’s is still relevant. The most common resolutions, involving weight loss or improving fitness, fall slave to the same trend every year, says Neag student, Luke Belval.

Hartford Public Schools and Neag School of Education Partner in Educational Leadership Program

October 22, 2013

Hartford Public Schools and UConn’s Neag School of Education have signed an agreement to collaborate in preparing a select number of Hartford teachers for careers as school principals. The agreement creates a tailor-made principal certification program called Preparing Leaders for Urban Schools (PLUS) that addresses leadership competencies and challenges that are specific to the Hartford […]