When the White House organized the nation’s first-ever summit focused on improving school counseling and college advising last year, experts from UConn’s Neag School of Education were among those invited to speak and share ideas as recognized leaders.
In January, the State Board of Education voted to adopt the proposal – called the Connecticut Elementary and Secondary Social Studies Frameworks – as a guide recommended for use by local school districts. Alan S. Marcus, an associate professor of curriculum and instruction in UConn’s Neag School of Education, was a lead writer for the state’s new Social Studies Frameworks.
More than 60 faculty researchers and graduate students from the Neag School of Education will be in full force at this year’s American Educational Research Association (AERA)’s Annual Meeting, taking place Thursday, April 16, through Monday, April 20, in the heart of downtown Chicago.
This past fall, Neag Assistant Professor Joseph Cooper began reaching out to black male student-athletes at UConn, gathering them for a new grassroots effort called Collective Uplift, which seeks to empower, educate, and inspire ethnic minorities at UConn to maximize their full potential as holistic individuals, not exclusively in the realm of athletics, but also beyond.
U.S. News & World Report released its annual national rankings of graduate schools of education on March 10, with the Neag School of Education ranking No. 31 in the nation, up two slots this year from No. 33.
More than 2.5 million students attend an estimated 6,400 charter schools in 42 states, with the number of these “independent public schools” — as President Barack Obama called them in his National Charter Schools Week proclamation last year — increasing dramatically. For the 2013-14 school year, more than 600 new charter schools opened their doors nationwide, while 70 more are slated to open in North Carolina alone. But as the charter school model of education grows, so does the likelihood for fraud and mismanagement.
The Neag School of Education Alumni Society and the faculty of the Neag School of Education cordially invite you to attend our 17th Annual Awards Dinner on March 28, 2015, at the South Campus Ballroom (Rome Ballroom) on the Storrs campus.
The Neag School’s Center for Education Policy Analysis (CEPA) hosted “A Conversation with Representative Andy Fleischmann” at the Storrs campus. As the chairman of the Education Committee of the Connecticut State Assembly, State Rep. Fleischmann spoke about the future of education in Connecticut schools and how education policy research could better inform policy making in Hartford and beyond.
The Neag School of Education’s Executive Leadership Program (ELP) is hosting an information session on Tuesday, March 10, from 3:30-4:30 p.m. at the Connecticut Association of Public School Superintendents (CAPSS), located at 26 Caya Ave. in West Hartford. The 13-month ELP prepares prospective superintendents and other district leaders to meet the challenges of 21st-century district leadership. […]
Twins Elaine and Eleanor Demarjian (’64 MA) have traveled the world together, visiting more countries than they can count. Yet they name among one of their favorite destinations not some faraway land – but their recent trip to UConn, to which they returned for the first time in 50 years.