Chinese Delegation Visits UConn Kinesiology Department

January 30, 2013

A delegation of top sports and exercise scientists from China visited UConnʼs Department of Kinesiology last month to catch up on the latest in scientific research and training in their field. The 25 delegates representing Chinaʼs General Administration of Sports attended presentations on sports nutrition, hydration, injury rehabilitation, resistance training, aerobic training, special considerations for the […]

Dr. Larry Armstrong Appointed Interim Kinesiology Department Head

January 30, 2013

Dr. Larry Armstrong has become interim department head of the Department of Kinesiology. Previous department head Dr. Carl Maresh has returned to research and his academic roots as director of the Human Performance Laboratory and professor in physical therapy. Armstrong began his career at UConn in 1990 as a member of the Department of Kinesiology […]

UCAPP: Preparing Tomorrow’s Principals with Vision, Experience and Knowledge

January 30, 2013

Graduates give high grades to the University of Connecticut Administrator Preparation Program (UCAPP), as well as credit it for giving them the confidence, knowledge, experience and professional connections needed to achieve their career goals of becoming a principal, vice principal, department head or other school administrator. Indeed, more than 80 percent of those who’ve completed […]

Physical Therapy Students Give Back By Refurbishing Medical Equipment

January 30, 2013

On the first Saturday of every month, University of Connecticut physical therapy students volunteer at the New England Assistive Technology Center in Hartford (NEAT). A branch of Hartford’s Oak Hill School for adults and children with physical disabilities, NEAT is an important resource for assistive devices and technology in Connecticut. At NEAT, donated medical equipment […]

Neag Student Reflects on Impact of Scholarship

January 30, 2013

Neag Alumni Society Scholarship recipient, Lauren Nero, received her bachelor’s degree in education last spring, with a concentration in Secondary English. She’s currently a fifth-year student, working on her master’s degree in education. She recently reflected on the impact of the scholarship from the Neag Alumni Society. Q: What did the Neag Alumni Scholarship mean […]

Neag School Hosted Fall Fest at North Windham Elementary School

January 30, 2013

The Neag School of Education hosted a Fall Fest Literacy Night at North Windham Elementary School as a way to engage students and strengthen the Neag-North Windham relationship. The event gave pre-teaching students in Noemi Maldonado Picardi’s “INTD 1810: Inspiring the Urban Educator” class the opportunity to work together on a large-scale project, gain experience […]

Letter from the Dean: You’re Invited to the Neag Alumni Society Awards Dinner

January 18, 2013

Dear Alumni and Friends of the Neag School of Education: The Neag School of Education Alumni Society and the faculty of the Neag School of Education cordially invite you to attend our 15th Annual Awards Dinner on Saturday, March 9, 2013 at the South Campus Ballroom (Rome Ballroom) on the Storrs campus. Click here for […]