Congratulations to our Neag School alumni, faculty, staff, and students on their continued accomplishments inside and outside the classroom. If you have an accolade to share, we want to hear from you! Please send any news items and story ideas to
In addition to the Dean’s Office and Department achievements, explore this edition’s list of Accolades for the following: Faculty/Staff; Alumni; Students, as well as In Memoriam.
Dean’s Office and Departments
The Neag School of Education hosted Race and Revolution, an art exhibit and interactive discussion in which alumni, students, and members of the community explored issues of race and leadership in conjunction with an art exhibit at the Stamford campus in November. Mark Kohan led the group discussions. For more information on the event, visit Check event photos out here.

Department of Curriculum and Instruction (EDCI) and Teacher Education
Teacher Education, through UConn’s Community Outreach program, sponsored a screening of “Bring It to the Table,” a documentary produced by Emmy nominee Julie Winokur that aims to break down political stereotypes and prejudice and encourages respect, tolerance, and genuine dialogue.

René Roselle and Robin Hands joined Kennelly School’s principal Mary Lou Duffy as well as dean of students and Neag School alum June Cahill ’94 in accepting the National Network for Educational Renewal (NNER) Richard Clark Exemplary Partnership Award for 2016 — awarded to Neag School partner school Kennelly School — this past October at the NNER 2016 Annual Conference in Arlington, Texas.
Department of Educational Leadership (EDLR)

The Center for Education Policy Analysis (CEPA) hosted its Fall Speaker Series, with the October presentation (co-sponsored by the UConn Department of Economics) featuring Amy Ellen Schwartz from Syracuse University, who spoke on the impact of universal free meals on student outcomes (see photos here). The November presentation featured John Papay of Brown University, who spoke about the effects of school turnaround strategies in Massachusetts (view photos here). The next featured speaker in the series will be Sean Corcoran of New York University; he will speak on Dec. 7 on high school choice. RSVP here.
Numerous EDLR faculty and graduate students attended the 30th Annual University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA) Conference, held in November in Detroit, where work by Neag School faculty members Erica Fernández, Michele Femc-Bagwell, Jennie Weiner, Eric Bernstein, Morgaen Donaldson, Kim LeChasseur, Shaun Dougherty, Richard Gonzales, Sarah Woulfin, and Laura Burton and by graduate students including Jeremy Landa, Shannon Holder, and Scott Hurwitz was presented. Casey Cobb, Aarti Bellara, Rachael Gabriel, Preston Green, and others also served as facilitators.
Neag School students from student organization Leadership In Diversity (L.I.D.) attended the 2016 National Association for Multicultural Education (NAME) Conference in Cleveland this November as representatives of Husky Sport and the Neag School.

Department of Educational Psychology (EPSY)

Led by the Collaboratory for School and Child Health, the Neag School co-hosted a screening of the documentary film “Resilience: The Biology of Stress & the Science of Hope,” followed by a panel discussion in November at the Storrs campus featuring James Redford, director; Alice Forrester, chief executive officer of the Clifford Beers Clinic in New Haven, Conn.; and Paul Diego Holzer, executive director of Achieve Hartford! in Hartford, Conn. Sandra Chafouleas served as the panel moderator. For more information about the event, visit View photos from the event here.
ESPY was recently recognized by the Provost’s Office as having the highest ranking out of the roughly 60 UConn departments in the new report of Academic Analytics.
The Center for Behavioral Education and Research (CBER) celebrated its 10-year anniversary during a gathering in October, bringing together CBER research scientists, regional partners, faculty, staff, students, alumni, and others. Read more about the event here, or view event photos on the Neag School Facebook page. CBER researchers also contributed to a special issue on replication research, for Remedial and Special Education, co-edited by Michael Coyne with contributions from Allison Lombardi, Jennifer Freeman, and Brandi Simonsen.
Students in Grades 4-8 at Hartford Academy, the first Renzulli Academy created by Joseph Renzulli and Sally Reis, organized a weeklong event in October to raise funds for cancer research as well as for a student field trip to New York City.

EPSY faculty joined the Halloween spirit and participated in the Mansfield Community’s Annual “Trick-or-Trunk” event in October.
Several Neag School graduate students and faculty members have been named part of the Collaborative to Advance Equity Through Research on Women and Girls of Color, a national consortium of more than 50 universities and institutions focused on research related to women and girls of color in STEM fields and in public health. Recipients of the Collaborative’s UConn Research Grant Fellows and Projects include Laura Burton and Jennie Weiner, faculty members in educational leadership, whose project is titled “Shedding Lights, Activating Voice, and Building Community: Investigating the Experiences of Women of Colors in Educational Leadership”; John Settlage, faculty member in curriculum and instruction, who will work on “Signposts Along the Pathway: Increasing Access to Quality STEM Education for Women of Color;” Blanca Rincón and Milagros Castillo-Montoya, faculty in educational leadership, with their project “Examining Race Dialogues as a Tool for Mitigating Racial Climate for Women of Color in STEM;” Sian Charles Harris, doctoral student in curriculum and instruction, whose project is titled “Capacity Building: Rick and Resilience in Black American Teen Girls”; Monique Golden, doctoral student in educational leadership, who is working on “MAGNET-ic Repulsions: Why Aren’t CT’s Magnet Schools Attracting Girls of Color to STEM”; and doctoral student Monique S. Negron, whose project is “One Bad Grade Does Not Define Me: Counter-Stories of Resilience from Women of Color in STEM.”
Joseph Abramo and Cara Bernard are in the process of receiving a new grant award from the National Association for Music Education. The award will be for $9,990, and the project is titled “Diversifying Music Educators: Creating Frameworks and Best Practices for Recruiting and Retaining Urban and Rural Students and Students of Color.”
Dorothea Anagnostopoulos presented “Learning to Redesign University-based Teacher Education” at the University of Virginia’s Curry School of Education in November.
Michele Back’s most recent article, entitled “Symbolic competence in interaction: Mutuality, memory and resistance in a peer tutoring context,” was published in the journal L2. This semester she also presented at Cornell University’s Language Resource Center on the possibilities of setting up peer tutoring programs in their world language departments.
Ronald Beghetto and James Kaufman co-edited the second edition of Nurturing Creativity in the Classroom (Cambridge University Press, 2016). Kaufman was also recently featured in two videos by the Brainwaves Video Anthology: discussing creativity and intelligence as well as creativity and personality.
Ronald Beghetto published a new book, Creative Contradictions in Education (Springer, 2016), which brings together leading cross-disciplinary experts to weigh in on the seemingly paradoxical nature of creativity in education. He was featured in two videos by the Brainwaves Video Anthology as well, including one focused on the paradoxical nature of creativity and another on responding to uncertainty.
Melissa Bray and Thomas Kehle co-authored with other colleagues a number of book chapters and articles this past year, including “Interventions for Homework Performance” for the Handbook of Evidence-Based Interventions for Children and Adolescents (Springer, 2016); “The Good Behavior Game for English Language Learners in a Small Group Setting” in the International Journal of School and Educational Psychology; and “Interdependent Group Contingency to Promote Physical Activity in Children” in Canadian Journal of School Psychology; among others. In addition, Bray was also an author or co-author of numerous articles in recent editions of the Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, including “Introduction to Special Issue and to KTEA-3 Error Analysis”; “What Do Children’s Phonological Processing Errors Tell Us About Their Skills in Reading, Writing, and Oral Language?”; and “Exploratory Factor Analysis of Reading, Writing, Oral Language, and Math Errors.” She is co-author of other articles, including “Students with Cancer: Presenting Issues and Effective Solutions” and “Mind Body Health in the School Environment,” both published in The International Journal of School and Educational Psychology. In addition, she served as a co-presenter on “Patterns of Strengths and Weaknesses: Implications for Assessment and Intervention”; “2E Students’ Patterns of Strengths and Weaknesses in Academic Assessment”; and “Mindfulness for Asthma,” all held at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association (APA) this October in Denver, as well as for two additional presentations at the National Associate for Gifted Children in November.
Scott Brown has served as co-author on several publications and presentations in recent months, along with alum Kimberly Lawless ’94 MA, ’96 Ph.D. and other colleagues. Their presentations have included “Making Your Voice Heard: Developing Online Leadership Through Persuasive Writing,” presented at the 47th Annual Conference of the Northeastern Educational Research Association in Trumbull, Conn., this past October; “Listening to the Teachers Through Journals and ROPD: The Need for Identifying Teacher Challenges as They Happen and Providing Responsive Online Professional Development” at the Michigan Virtual Leraning Research Institute Webinar Series, also held in October; and “Increasing Students’ Science Writing Skills Through a PBL Simulation,” at the13th International Conference Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (CELDA), held in Mannheim, Germany — which was selected as the CELDA Best Paper for 2016. In addition, Brown and Lawless recently published “Listening to the Teachers: Using Weekly Online Teacher Logs for ROPD to Identify Teachers’ Persistent Challenges When Implementing a Blended Learning Curriculum” in Journal of Online Learning Research.
Laura Burton and Ray Cotrufo ’01 (CLAS), ’14 Ph.D. co-wrote “The NFL Evolution: Does Prioritizing Player Welfare Influence Consumers?” for the International Journal of Sport Management. Burton also moderated a panel discussion on the film “Business of Amateurs” — a documentary about student-athletes in NCAA Division I sports — at the Dodd Center in November. The event was co-sponsored by UConn-AAUP, the sport management program, the Department of Economics, and the Storrs Economics Club.

Laura Burton traveled to Washington, D.C., in November to attend the presentation given by her Global Sports Mentoring Program mentee, Jessica Wu. Burton and Jennie McGarry, along with UConn associate athletic director Ellen Tripp, had served as hosts and mentors in October for the Global Sports Mentoring Program (GSMP), a program co-sponsored by the U.S. Dept. of State and espnW.
Sandra Chafouleas was recognized with the Possibilities in Action Partner Award from the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP). The award is in recognition of National School Psychology Week. Recipients are selected based on suggested guidelines from NASP that highlight remarkable personal or professional dedication to improving outcomes for students, outstanding professional functioning and effectiveness, effective advocacy for public policy that supports needed services for children and families, commitment to effective collaboration with school psychologists and other student services staff, and long-term dedication to advocacy on behalf of individual students.

Joseph Cooper has received the Neag School’s 2016 Outstanding Early Career Scholar Award. Cooper, who arrived at the Neag School in 2013 as an assistant professor of sport management, engages in research that touches on race, education, culture, gender, and sport and has established a reputation as a nationally recognized scholar in the area of black college-athletes’ experiences. He has 16 publications on these topics, with others underway, and 12 books and/or book chapters published or in process. He also is the founder and advisor for the student organization Collective Uplift, which focuses on student-athlete support and development.
Shaun Dougherty co-presented “Does Eliminating Tenure Protections Affect the Supply of New Teachers?” at the Northeast Economics of Education Workshop in West Hartford, Conn., this October. He is a co-principal investigator on the two-year, $50,000 grant “Exploring Gun Policy and Legislation: What Are the Effects?” through the Bennett Fund for Research on Health and Society at UConn. He also co-presented “The Effects of Early Math Coursework on College Readiness: Evidence from a Targeted Middle School Math Acceleration” for the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management’s 2016 Fall Research Conference in November in Washington, D.C.
Michele Femc-Bagwell co-published a chapter in Designing Services and Programs for High-Ability Learners: A Guide Book for Gifted Education (2nd ed.). The chapter is titled “Collaborating With Families to Support Gifted Students.”
Erica Fernández and Blanca Rincón co-presented “Creating a Welcoming Climate for Latinx Students” for the Puerto Rican Student Association at UConn’s Puerto Rican/Latin American Cultural Center in October. Rincón and Fernández also welcomed the Spanish Community of Wallingford’s Adelante Program to UConn in October. Forty Adelante students toured the University, participated as college students in a class, and had the opportunity to hear from current students about the college experience.
Jennifer Freeman is the recipient of the 2017 Ted Carr Initial Researcher Award from the Association for Positive Behavior Support.
Robin Grenier presented on “Museums and Civic Discourse: Exploring Challenges and Opportunities for Social Action” at the New England Museum Association 2016 Annual Conference in Mystic, Conn., in November. She also published “Autoethnography as a Methodological Approach in Adult Vocational Education and Technology” in the International Journal of Adult Vocational Education and Technology. In addition, Grenier is a contributor on a recently awarded Canadian Connections Grant titled “Gender Justice, Adult Education, and Curatorial Dreams.” It funds a workshop and subsequent research, to be held in Victoria, British Columbia, in February. She attended the Academy of Human Resource Development Board meeting in Houston in October. Grenier is joining the editorial board of Industrial and Commercial (Emerald Journal). She is also serving as an external reviewer for a programmatic review of Northern Illinois University’s Department of Counseling, Adult and Higher Education.

Erik Hines co-presented on the ScHOLA2RS House Residential Learning Community about retention and graduate school for African-American males at the “5th National White House and Reach Higher Convening” in Washington, D.C. in October.
Devin Kearns joined the editorial boards for the Journal of Educational Psychology, Remedial, and Special Education as well as Reading Research Quarterly.
Dean Gladis Kersaint and Tamika La Salle participated in the Black Women’s Empowerment Panel, sponsored by the UConn chapter of the National Council of Negro Women in November at the Storrs campus.
Dean Gladis Kersaint served as a panelist for the Connecticut Science Center’s Women in Science seminar “Methods and Mastery: Mathematics Instruction in the 21st Century” this November in Hartford, Conn.
Allison Lombardi and two CBER graduate student researchers, Jessica Monahan and Laura Kern, presented at the Council for Exceptional Children’s Division on Career Development and Transition conference in Milwaukee this October.
Jennifer McGarry facilitated a panel discussion titled “Equity Organizing in a School of Education: Developing Capacity for Critically Conscious Action” at the National Association of Minority Educators (NAME) conference in November in Cleveland.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) has awarded David Moss and Todd Campbell a Professional Development for Secondary School Teachers and Educational Professionals grant of $144,138 for three years (2016-19) in support of the science education project titled “Water and Sustainability: Educative Curriculum Using Online Mapping Tools to Support Teacher and Student Learning.” Moss and Campbell will serve as co-principal investigators on the project, along with several fellow UConn faculty in the College of Agriculture, Health, and Natural Resources (CAHNR) and the Center for Environmental Sciences and Engineering; the project’s principal investigator is Chester Arnold of CAHNR. The core of the project is a free, three-day professional development workshop for secondary school teachers, designed to immerse them in an educational module that uses the real and virtual worlds — including cutting-edge, online mapping tools — to explore the dynamics of local water resources and the anthropogenic issues that affect them. Participants will then tailor the completed learning module for their use in their own classrooms, in teaching students about water and sustainability. Read more about the project here.
James O’Neil co-authored two book chapters this past year, including “A New Understanding of Man’s Best Friend: A Proposed Contextual Model for the Exploration of the Human-Animal Bond Interactions Among Insecurely Attached Males” and “Gender Role Conflict Theory, Research, and Practice: Implications for Understanding the Human-Animal Bond,” both of which appear in the first academic book to examine the relationship between men and dogs, Men and Their Dogs: A New Understanding of Man’s Best Friend (Springer, 2016).
Christopher Rhoads published “The Implications of Contamination for Educational Experiments with Two Levels of Nesting” in the Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness in November.
Blanca Rincón is the co-principal investigator for a five-year, $3.5 million National Science Foundation Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) grant dedicated to expanding diversity in the STEM fields. Read more here.
Eliana Rojas, along with UConn’s El Instituto, hosted a group of faculty visitors from the Universidad de Antofagasta Chile in October. Antofagasta, the second-largest city in Chile, is a port city and regional capital of an important mining area in northern Chile’s Atacama Desert. During the past decade, Antofagasta has been experiencing unforeseen growth in the population of new immigrants from various countries in Latin America. The focus of the visit was a discussion about borders and Latinos in the U.S.
Del Siegle was elected to a three-year term on UConn’s University Senate. In October, he gave a keynote “Contributing Factors to Students’ Underachievement and Possible Solutions” at the Australian Association for the Education of the Gifted and Talented National Gifted Conference in Sydney, Australia, and the keynote “Promising Practices in Gifted Education for Underserved Population” at the 12th Annual New Mexico Association for the Gifted Fall Gifted Institute in Rio Rancho, N.M., also in October.

Brandi Simonsen was the keynote speaker on “Classroom PBIS: Every Moment Counts” at the National PBIS Conference this past October in Chicago.
Megan Staples has won the Associated Teacher of Mathematics in Connecticut (ATOMIC) 2016 Robert A. Rosenbaum Award in recognition of her outstanding commitment and successful service to the entire mathematics community in Connecticut. She will accept the award this December at ATOMIC’s annual conference in Cromwell, Conn. Tom DeFranco has funded Neag School students to attend this conference in recent years; this year alone, 31 mathematics education seniors and master’s students from the Neag School will attend. Tutita Casa and doctoral students Madelyn Colonnese and Sharon Heyman will also be presenting at the event.
The American School of Valencia (ASV) in Valencia, Spain, hosted George Sugai in November. There, he helped ASV to develop its own positive behavior intervention and support (PBIS) team and program.
Robert Villanova organized and facilitated a panel discussion at the annual CABE/ CAPSS Leadership Conference held on Nov/ 18 in Mystic, Conn. The panel focus was “Leadership for District Coherence and Capacity-A Case Study–Vernon and Bloomfield.” Panel members included alumni Desi Nesmith, ’01 (ED), ’02 MA, ’09 6th Year, chief turnaround officer at the Connecticut State Department of Education; Richard Lemons, associate executive director of the CT Center for School Change; and Joseph Macary ’94 (CLAS), ’05 ELP, ’16 Ed.D., superintendent of Vernon Public Schools.
Jennie Weiner’s article “Paradoxes or Possibilities?: How Aspiring ‘Turnaround’ Principals Conceptualize Reform and Their Role Within It” was published in School Leadership and Management in October.
Suzanne Wilson presented “Studying Teacher Learning: The Challenges Associated with Documenting the Effects of Professional Development” at the Department of Mathematics Education Seminar in November.
Students in the sport management program hosted a book signing and Q&A this November with Neil deMause, co-author of Field of Schemes: How the Great Stadium Swindle Turns Public Money into Private Profit and author of The Brooklyn Wars: The Stories Behind The Remaking of New York’s Most Celebrated Borough.
Husky Sport hosted a “Multiculturalism Workshop” in November on the Storrs campus. More than 55 faculty, staff, and students participated.
More than 75 students attended a “Career Night in Sport” in November, hosted by the sport management program. Twelve alumni working in sport management and members of the UConn Athletic Department participated in the event, which was hosted at the UConn Alumni House.
The sport management program hosted speaker Chelsea Fenstermacher, manager for insider sales for the Philadelphia 76ers, in November at the Storrs campus. The speaker discussed sales training, spent the afternoon interviewing students for entry-level sales positions, and then gave a presentation at the UConn Sport Business Association that evening.

Students from Avery Point’s Teacher Certification Program for College Graduates (TCPCG) recently traveled with John Settlage to Minneapolis to take part in a meeting with the National Science Teachers Association.
Five teacher education students — Symone James, Maria Enrique, Jessica Stargardter, Madison Corlett and LaShawna Thompson — were selected for the National Network of State Teachers of the Year (NNSTOY) Teacher Candidate Fellowship. During the course of the year, teacher candidates selected for the fellowship will take part in numerous activities, including monthly webinars to discuss important educational topics with State Teachers of the Year and Finalists and weekly engagement with one another through discussion forums.
The Higher Education and Student Affairs (HESA) program hosted a panel in October for first-year students to learn more about upcoming practicum experience from second-year students Leslie Lawrence, Abigail Smith, Lexy Parrill, Alyssa Paquin, and Jordan Walsh.
University of Connecticut Student Affairs Association (UCSAA) and the (HESA) program hosted a mixer for faculty, staff, and student at the Nathan Hale at the Storrs Campus in November.
HESA students from HESA Glasgow 3 (Abigail Smith, Lauren Hennes, and Emily Pearson, who traveled this summer to Glasgow) presented on their international experience at the Storrs Campus in November. Their presentation was titled “The Glasgow 3 Experience: Assessment and Feedback Toolkit.”
Approximately 30 current students from the University of Connecticut Administrator Preparation Program (UCAPP) participated in optional workshops on Scientific Research-Based Interventions (SRBI) and situational leadership. The first workshop session, exclusively for “South” cohorts (New Haven and Stamford), took place in November at the Davis Street Arts and Academics School in New Haven, Conn.
Ph.D. candidate Nneka Arinze facilitated a workshop on implicit/explicit bias at the Connecticut Campus Compact Conference in November at Central Connecticut State University.
Emily Armstrong, an elementary education student, is the goalie on the UConn Women’s soccer team, which won the 2016 American Athletic Conference regular season title in October. Senior Rachel Hill, a Neag School student in the sport management program, is also on the team and is one of the premier soccer forwards in the country. Hill also has been selected as a semifinalist for the 2016 MAC Hermann Trophy, the most coveted individual honor in NCAA Division I soccer.
Casey Cochran, graduate student in the sport management program, was featured in an ESPN video about his work to raise awareness about concussions in sport.

Ricki Ginsberg, a doctoral student in curriculum and instruction with a focus on secondary English education, has received the Neag School’s 2016 Outstanding Student Researcher Award. Ginsberg has a diverse array of publications and presentations to her name as well as a book in progress, and serves as the assistant editor of The ALAN Review, the peer-reviewed journal of the Assembly on Literature for Adolescents of the National Council of Teachers of English.

Max Klein, an undergraduate sport management student, was a recipient of a UConn IDEA Award for his research “Social Influences of Top High School Baseball Prospects’ College-Professional Decision.”
Ph.D. candidate Taylor Koriakin co-authored several articles in recent editions of Journal for Psychoeducuational Assessment, including “Investigating Patterns of Errors for Specific Comprehension and Fluency Difficulties” and “Patterns of Cognitive Strengths and Weaknesses and Relationships to Math Errors.”
Efthimia Kutrubis, a special education student, is on the UConn women’s field hockey team, which won the Big East Championship title this November.
Ph.D. candidate TJ McKenna served as moderator for a recent Jorgensen event featuring Adam Savage and Jamie Hynemamn of the Discovery Channel’s “Mythbusters” program. Check out other photos of the event — as well as a new profile story on McKenna.
Jessica Monahan, a special education graduate student, was elected student representative for the Council for Exceptional Children’s Representative Assembly for 2017-19.
Alexis Parrillm, a graduate student in the HESA program, presented an online session in November on “Telling Our Story: College Union History Examined Through Naming and Construction.” This event was hosted through the University of Connecticut’s ACUI Community of Scholars.
Amit Savkar, associate professor in residence of mathematics in UConn’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences as well as a current doctoral student in the Neag School’s educational psychology Ph.D. program, recently represented the state of Connecticut at the White House Symposium on State Implementation of Computer Science For All in Washington, D.C.
Abigail Smith, a graduate student in the HESA program, presented “Beyond Borders; The Afro-Caribbean International Student Experience” at the NASPA Region 1 conference in November in Burlington, Vt.
Ashley Valentin, a graduate student in the HESA program, was awarded the Raymond Goldstone Association for Student Conduct Administration Scholarship.

The Neag School of Education Alumni Association hosted an event for Huskies Forever Weekend in October, featuring Sandy Bell, who spoke on neuroscience and learning. Check out more photos from the event.
Neag School’s sport management program hosted its annual Career Networking Night, which included a panel discussion, small group discussions, and networking. The event was held in November at the Alumni Center.
The Neag School held its second annual Educational Leadership Alumni Forum on Nov. 1 in von der Mehden Hall on the Storrs campus. Featured speakers were alumni Alicia Bowman ’01 (ED), ’02 MA, ’08 6th Year and Joseph Macary ’94 (CLAS), ’05 ELP, ’16 Ed.D. Read the event wrap-up and check out event photos on the Neag School’s Facebook page.
Deidra Fogarty ’05 (ED), ’06 (MA) who has been working in the education field for the past decade, recently launched WAM! Book Bundle. WAM is based on the theory of how books can serve as windows and mirrors to its readers.
Lynda Mullaly Hunt ’88 (ED), ’96 MA recently spoke on campus, sponsored by The Rightors Fund for Children’s Literature. Hunt is a New York Times best-selling author of One for the Murphys and Fish in a Tree, which is an ALA Schneider Award winner. Hunt’s books appear on 37 state award lists and are published in more than 20 languages. Read a recent piece about the value of teaching, written by Hunt, here.

Scott Hurwitz ’15 Ed.D. attended UCEA’s Graduate Student Summit in Detroit to present a paper on leaders’ framing of PBIS.
Amanda McLean ’16 MA was appointed corporate community relations coordinator for the New York Yankees, in New York, N.Y.
David Pearson ’88 MA, Ellington Middle School principal; and Ellington Middle teachers Marissa Boucher ’12 (ED), ’13 MA and Melissa Scarbrough ’15 (ED), ’16 MA, recently joined one of Michele Femc-Bagwell’s recent teacher leadership classes.
Lisa Rubenstein ’07 MA, ’Ph.D., assistant professor of educational psychology at Ball State University, was awarded Ball State’s Outstanding Junior Faculty Award.
In Memoriam
Bernard C. Beauchamp ’56
Carolyn S. Bellingham ’73
Robert D. Bowden Sr. ’53
Margaret L. Carlson ’59
Vincent J. Demeis ’97
Edward J. Devlin ’73
Nesbie M. Dupuy ’74
Constance G. Falcigno ’82
Elaine T. Falcigno ’52
Robert H. Jackman ’71
Edward J. Kelley ’55
Francis J. Kuzsman ’68
Bruce T. Marshall ’85
Marcia K. Mason ’71
Ann E. Vecchitto ’85
Lillian S. Wilson ’47