Author: Shawn Kornegay

Trump Proposal For Ambitious School-Choice Expansion Unclear

May 24, 2017

The administration’s budget proposal includes money to expand school vouchers and charter schools, but also appears to cut some education funding. I spoke earlier with Preston Green. He’s a professor of Educational Leadership and Law and the University of Connecticut and I asked for his initial takeaways, based on what we know now.

Trump’s Education Budget Takes Aim at the Working Class

May 23, 2017

“In one sense it makes sense to me politically that the small-government arm of the Republican party would be focused on reducing overall federal expenditures, especially in places like education that are supposed to be reserved for the state,” said Shaun Dougherty, a CTE researcher and education-policy professor at the University of Connecticut who authored the Fordham Institute report.

Reinventing High School

May 22, 2017

Education policy makers understand that the world of work has changed, and that for long-term success, some college-level education is going to be required for most people to earn a living wage. Career-tech schools with strong academics show that “there are multiple pathways to it,” says Shaun Dougherty, a professor at the University of Connecticut Neag School of Education.

Special Education & Equity in Connecticut

May 17, 2017

As with other areas of public education, when it comes to special education there are big disparities between districts. How do we make sure all students and families receive equitable special education services? That was the topic of a panel discussion at a recent Special Education in Connecticut Summit sponsored by the UConn Neag School of Education and the Klebanoff Institute.