“There is no one who is more important and sustained than Senator Christopher J. Dodd,” said Glenn Mitoma, the director of Dodd Human Rights Impact. Mitoma added he had the honor of working with Dodd “over the past 8 years as we crafted these new programs, as we envisioned the kind of impact that we wanted to have, and as we worked to develop the resources in order to support these initiatives.”
“As a professor and researcher in special education, I’ve worked with many students with disabilities transitioning to college. The ones who are typically most successful after high school are the ones who were prepared to be strong self-advocates, who could seek out needed services and supports, and who could manage the multiple demands of being independent,” writes Joseph Madaus, a professor of educational psychology at UConn’s Neag School of Education and director of the Collaborative on Postsecondary Education and Disability.
School Counselors Leading the Way: Helping to assist students in their school adjustment, academic performance, and mental health in a post-pandemic school setting
This summer, UConn neuroscientist Fumiko Hoeft, education researcher Devin Kearns, and collaborators from Psychological Sciences, the Neag School of Education, Mathematics, Brain Imaging Research Center (BIRC), and others launched the five-week, all-expenses-included summer camp at Storrs for 3rd and 4th grade children who are struggling to read.
Lisa Sanetti is testing the efficacy of PRIME, a system designed to combat the implementation challenges behavioral interventions face in elementary classrooms.
“Learning is never lost, though it may not always be ‘found’ on pre-written tests of pre-specified knowledge or preexisting measures of pre-coronavirus notions of achievement.” – Rachael Gabriel, Associate Professor of Literacy Education at the University of Connecticut.
Neag School of Education professor of educational psychology Lisa Sanetti has received a $3.7 million grant from the Department of Education Institute of Educational Sciences (IES) to test the efficacy of a theory-driven system for improving intervention implementation in elementary schools.
Washington Post (James Kaufman is quoted about creativity and healthy aging)
Glenn Mitoma understands that questions of human rights require careful inquiry and extensive collaboration. His work aims to increase the realization of human rights through education and community programs.
UConn Today (Glenn Mitoma, an assistant professor in the Neag School and a joint appointment in UConn’s Human Rights Institute, is featured)