Sandy Chafouleas shared the Direct Behavior Rating (DBR) can be effective and efficient as a progress monitoring tool as well as a targeted screening tool.
“It has the potential to be awesome, but not this way,” said Michael Young, a University of Connecticut professor who specializes in education technology.
If you are a baseball fan, the name Doug Glanville is probably familiar. Glanville, who studied engineering at the University of Pennsylvania, had a nine-year career in the major leagues, including a five-year stint with the Philadelphia Phillies. But UConn students may know him in an additional capacity: Glanville became an adjunct professor in the Neag School of Education in the fall of 2019.
As COVID-19 continues to alter social and economic landscapes around the world, some are more immediately impacted than others.
Former Major League Baseball player Doug Glanville now teaches a class in the Neag School of Education.
“Thanks to the coronavirus, my third-grade twins are home all day for the foreseeable future,” says Jennie Weiner. “I’m not going to recreate school for them.”
Clewiston Challenger never intended to be a researcher. When he was young, Challenger wanted to be a police officer. As an undergraduate at the University of Connecticut, he originally majored in biology with the aim of becoming a scientist.
“The younger the children are, the less you can even expect them to self-regulate and it’s up to the parents to kind of structure the time,” said Michael F. Young, a professor a UConn’s Neag School of Education who researches the effects of instructional technology.
As school closures are announced across the state and country, the Neag School looked to its resident experts to provide guidance and insights for students, parents, educators, and administrators.
Congratulations to our Neag School alumni, faculty, staff, and students on their continued accomplishments inside and outside the classroom. If you have an accolade to share, we want to hear from you! Please send any news items and story ideas to