Cooper said members of the UConn campus community felt this was an important time to reaffirm their commitment to the university being a safe and invigorating place where intellectual, educational, and personal growth are valued and manifested.
Last year, IES funded a CTE research project under a different topic, Improving Education Systems. In this project, the University of Connecticut is examining the impact of attending a CTE-focused high school on students’ achievement, high school graduation, and college enrollment.
The researchers, Shaun Dougherty and Jennie Weiner of the University of Connecticut, looked at two tiers of struggling schools in the state: “warning” and “focus” schools. Schools in both categories had to choose four changes to make. Focus schools, the lower-performing group, had to select from a prescribed list, while warning schools could also could come up with their own strategies.
“By [2019], rent could be taking up a very high percentage of the school’s budget,” said Preston Green III, a University of Connecticut education professor who has written extensively on charter schools. “And if so, the school is going to be cash poor. This is a problem that a number of charter schools have had to deal with. This is something that’s happening across the nation.”
Chris Dailey, the conscience of the nation’s model college athletic program — UConn women’s basketball — will accept the Margo Dydek Award on Tuesday night at Mohegan Sun Arena, when the Sun play old friends Sue Bird, Breanna Stewart and Seattle
The National Science Foundation recently awarded an interdisciplinary group of UConn researchers $3 million for their project exploring the science of learning.
News Chief (Neag School alumna Donna Dynes was appointed director of information services)
A study by Joshua Hyman, an assistant professor of public policy at UConn and educational leadership at UConn’s Neag School of Education, looks at a policy in Michigan requiring eleventh grade students to take the ACT and compares the change in the rate of students going to college before and after implementation of the policy.
Outside of large urban districts, regional vocational schools provide full-time CTE options. Massachusetts is a prime example, where Shaun M. Dougherty has done the best work. He uses an instrumental-variables approach to examine the impacts of these schools. And lest you doubt his sincerity in his belief of whether this approach provides plausible claims about cause and effect, see the title of his 2016 article, “The Effect of Career and Technical Education on Human Capital Accumulation: Causal Evidence from Massachusetts.”
“Trinity Lutheran opens the door because it states simply that if a religious entity is otherwise qualified to take part in a public benefit program, then it cannot be prohibited solely on the basis of its religious affiliation,” said the University of Connecticut professor Preston Green.