Bullying, harassment and social exclusion are common climate problems within schools, but they’ve become especially concerning since the 2016 presidential election, George Sugai said.
In his keynote address at the Reynolds Alumni Center on Wednesday, Sugai — a professor at the University of Connecticut with a Ph.D. in special education — discussed the necessity of educators creating a positive school climate on all campuses.
“What would happen if we invited uncertainty into our classrooms? If you’re not sure how to answer this question, you’re not alone. What makes this question difficult is that most of us don’t like uncertainty. It’s uncomfortable. We do our best to avoid uncertainty and if we experience it, we attempt to quickly resolve it.” Ron Beghetto
“I Know This Much Is True,” the 1998 novel by Wally Lamb of Mansfield, will be turned into an eight-episode miniseries for HBO, starring and executive produced by Oscar-nominated actor Mark Ruffalo, Lamb has announced.
Superintendent Alan B. Bookman, the school leader who “sets the tone for the district,” has been awarded a new three-year contract. “Dr. Bookman does an excellent job keeping us focused on our mission statement, at looking at the changing needs of our students from technology to curriculum improvements to really celebrating the accomplishments,” said Susan Karp, Glastonbury’s board of education chairwoman.
The research reinforces other studies showing that creativity is not fixed, says James Kaufman at the University of Connecticut. “There’s a lot of evidence that you can nurture or suppress creativity,” he says. “Obviously, individual differences also play a role, but the ways that teachers give feedback and organisations reward employees have huge impacts.”
Standing in the middle of Hall High School’s gymnasium Tuesday morning, English teacher Anna Capobianco thought she was keeping an eye on students during an assembly highlighting the school’s human rights day programs.
Recently, two educational psychology projects in the Neag School of Education have received grants totaling almost $5 million to perform research in different areas of education for gifted and talented students. The grant, which was funded by the Jacob K. Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education Act, is helping provide money to two different professors and their research team.
CT-N (Neag School’s Joseph Cooper organized and moderated a panel of student athletes on the topic of activism)
Half of Hartford’s schoolkids attend integrated schools, thanks to a legal strategy that might work elsewhere. Here, doctoral student Robert Cotto is interviewed on the desegration case Sheff v. O’Neill. “Choice Watch,” a report he published in 2014, is also cited.
Sports activism has become an increasingly controversial topic in news media, with many people both for and against the peaceful protests done by NFL players. In response to this, UConn Athletics, Sport Management Program and Collective Uplift co-sponsored the Race, Sport and Activism Panel. The purpose of this panel, moderated by Dr. Joseph Cooper, was to give student athletes a chance to discuss the subjects of race, sport and activism.