Category: Neag in the Media

Read stories by or about Neag School faculty, alumni, students, and other members of the community that appear in external news outlets.

Brookside Program Aims to Close the ‘Excellence Gap’

July 27, 2016

A summer program at Brookside Elementary School in Norwalk, Conn. — called Supporting and Promoting Advanced Readiness in Kids, or SPARK — is a statewide project out of the University of Connecticut to include more underserved populations in academically talented tracks. The idea is that by giving students a jump-start through summer programming, they will be more likely to follow advanced programs later on in their academic career.

Athletes Using Sports Platforms to Push for Social Change

July 25, 2016

Athletes today are using their platforms as sports celebrities to bring attention to the violence that has erupted across the country. Dr. Joseph Cooper, assistant professor at the University of Connecticut, said any major social policy — civil rights movement, feminist movement, passage of Title IX — began with multiple conversations. But there must be action behind the words.