Category: Neag in the Media

Read stories by or about Neag School faculty, alumni, students, and other members of the community that appear in external news outlets.

App Endgame: Detect Dyslexia Earlier

October 7, 2019

Dyslexia makes reading a struggle for millions of people, but the learning disability is rarely diagnosed before age seven. Now, a team of educators and scientists led by UConn professors has made a game-like app that could help teachers identify younger kids at risk.

Games With Impact

September 27, 2019

“We saw the Nuremberg trials as a really interesting opportunity to explore the nature of justice and value of critical discernment, especially during a global rise in digital disinformation and anti-Semitism,” says Stephen Slota, Ph.D., an educational psychologist at the Neag School of Education.

Harvard Continues With College Board’s ‘Adversity Score’ Following Programs and Changes to the Program

September 17, 2019

“The Landscape isn’t much different than the original Adversity Index, other than [that] the College Board [is] reporting separate scores for the high school and neighborhood indices, and students now can receive their score along with colleges,” Casey Cobb said. “I think the biggest change was the name. They switched it to Landscape to deflect criticism that the scores validly measure adversity.”