Category: Neag in the Media

Read stories by or about Neag School faculty, alumni, students, and other members of the community that appear in external news outlets.

Response: ‘Nix the Tricks’ in Math Instruction

July 1, 2019

If we want students to develop an interest in mathematics and to develop a sense of themselves as people who engage with mathematics for applied or theoretical purposes, we need to design instruction that engages with authentic mathematical practices. As teachers unpack the Common Core State Standards Mathematical Practices Standards, they may notice that several common instructional habits often go against the thinking, habits of mind, and dispositions that support deep understanding.

Why Detention Sucks … And Manual Labor is Better

June 24, 2019

Indeed, most of the recent scholarship in this area advocates for moving away from punishment “in favor of positive behavior support,” says Sandra Chafouleas, professor of educational psychology at the University of Connecticut — methods that focus on preventing misbehavior without resorting to punitive measures.

Geoff Johnson: Should ‘Gifted’ Kids Get Special Treatment in Schools?

June 24, 2019

The most straightforward definition of “giftedness” is one outlined by Joseph Renzulli, distinguished professor at the University of Connecticut’s Neag School of Education. Renzulli’s concept is that genuine giftedness in any sphere of activity requires three characteristics: Above-average abilities, creativity (which includes fluency, flexibility and originality of thought) and, probably most importantly, task commitment that can be observed as perseverance, endurance and sometimes a special fascination with a particular subject or topic.

Obituaries: Mary Mazurek Heslin

June 24, 2019

Mary Mazurek Heslin 89, a life-long resident of the City of Hartford, died peacefully on Friday, June 21, 2019. The University of Connecticut always had a special place in her heart and she served as chairman of the Neag School of Education Advisory Board and was recognized by receiving the Distinguished Alumni Award.

Teacher of the Year Named in Southington

June 21, 2019

A social studies teacher with more than two decades of experience at Southington High School has been named the district’s Teacher of the Year for 2019-2020. Heather Allenback has been teaching in Southington since 1995, and attributes her love of social studies to being part of a military family with a vast appreciation for history.

New D-Y Principal Sees Himself as ‘Lifelong Learner’

June 13, 2019

When Paul Funk assumes the top job at Dennis-Yarmouth Regional High School next month, he’ll have nearly two decades of classroom experience to guide him. “I think it’s absolutely crucial for an administrator to understand the ins and outs of the educational process at the classroom level,” said Funk, who taught science for 18 years before transitioning to administration. “I really believe that the gains that are made, are made at the classroom level with the teachers.”