Category: Neag in the Media

Read stories by or about Neag School faculty, alumni, students, and other members of the community that appear in external news outlets.

Everyday Creativity

May 16, 2019

James Kaufman, a professor at the Neag School of Education, theorizes that creativity is both a widespread phenomenon and critical to human development. Rather than reserving the term “creative” for the favored few who produce globally acclaimed works of art or world-changing discoveries, he said, creativity is a label just as easily applied to the prosaic activities of everyday life — learning, problem-solving or making a junior high art project.

CSI and the Inquiry Process

May 10, 2019

Opportunities for students to take notice and observe the world around them are essential to the inquiry process. In any investigation, students practice patience while closely observing, collecting and organizing evidence, and synthesizing ideas. Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) has the potential to develop these skills, and can be integrated into almost any content area.

STEM-Focused, Prank-Loving School in Maine is No. 2 in the Nation

May 6, 2019

This town 2 miles from the Canadian border is home to five churches, a post office, an ATM but no bank, Mike’s family market, a hairdresser, and a nonprofit coffee shop that runs on donations. There is no stoplight.

It is also home to the second-best public high school in the entire country, according to new rankings from U.S. News & World Report.

UConn to Offer Degree in Sign Language

April 30, 2019

Today, nearly every state recognizes and accepts American sign language (ASL) as a second or world language and a growing number of universities now offer ASL in fulfillment or foreign language requirements. The university is working on a partnership with the Neag School of Education for an ASL concentration within the world language teacher certification program.