“We tend, as adults, to overplan and overstructure young people’s experiences,” Ron Beghetto says. While structure is important, he said, so is “letting kids determine their own problems to solve, their own ways to solve them.”
Education Week (George Sugai is quoted regarding testimony at a U.S. House of Representatives committee meeting on the use of restraints and seclusion in schools)
“I really love our philosophy at the center: to create better writers, and not just better writing,” says Schweitzer. In the future, Schweitzer would like to take that approach in her own classroom, encouraging her students to develop their writing skills and understanding of the writing process.
In his recent text entitled “Why we need to rethink how to teach the Holocaust”, professor Alan Marcus, from the University of Connecticut stresses the importance of the Holocaust survivors in education, stating the following: “Without survivors, the Holocaust will pass into being taught strictly from learned memory.”
“I’ve found — both anecdotally and in my research — that freedom to push and pull at the game’s narrative and ruleset provides students with a sense of greater personal ownership, and therefore greater depth of knowledge about content than usually accompanies schoolwork,” says Slota.
“It’s great to be back. This is and will always be home for me,” Elliott says. “I came here to Storrs when I was 18 years old, wet behind the ears as a freshman coming from the inner city of Washington, D.C. I owe a lot to this place.”
“While critics charge that charter schools are siphoning money away from public schools, a more fundamental issue frequently flies under the radar: the questionable business practices that allow people who own and run charter schools to make large profits.”
“We’re trying to make it so people with disabilities have more opportunities for employment in society, right?” said Allison Lombardi, a professor who teaches in the Special Education Program at the University of Connecticut. “There’s not a separate society for just people with disabilities, so it really doesn’t make sense for us to create programs that are so separate.”
“We can’t afford to overlook talent,” says Del Siegle, a professor of gifted education at the University of Connecticut, where he also directs the National Center for Research on Gifted Education. “The only way our country is going to reach its potential is if all the children have an opportunity to reach theirs.”
Claire Smith, an African-American female, grew up in a time when both of her underrepresented identities first made their breakthroughs. She told of how both her parents grew up as big Jackie Robinson fans and how that had a trickle-down effect on her. In a time where blacks in America faced oppression in a multitude of areas in society, every breakthrough was of major significance.