“College freshmen across Connecticut have unpacked their bags and gone through orientation, and are starting to adjust to life with a roommate,” says Drs. Richard and Kristin Schwab. “Now, after they worked hard to get to college and along with their families made sacrifices to attend, we offer a few suggestions to make the best of these next few years.”
In this episode of the of TeacherCast Podcast, we welcome ASCD Author Dr. Ronald Beghetto on the program to discuss his new book What If? Building Students’ Problem-Solving Skills Through Complex Challenges.
Listen in to Neag School Associate Dean Del Siegle, director of the National Center for Research on Gifted Children, discuss the identification of gifted students among English Language Learners.
A lack of diversity among classroom teachers in elementary and secondary schools has long been a national issue. In the state of Connecticut alone, less than 8 percent of teachers are of color, while students of color represent 40 percent of the population.
Neag School Jeffrey Villar ’96 MA, ’99 Ph.D. introduced the featured speaker at the convocation, George Sugai, who Villar referred to as “the guru of climate and culture” in educational settings.
NFA faculty, along with students from the University of Connecticut’s Neag School of Education, guided the dual-session program meant to give sixth-, seventh- and eighth-graders a summer boost in STEM education and aspiring teachers a real-world classroom experience.
“If you go strictly by the official account, heatstroke was the cause of death for University of Maryland football player Jordan McNair. McNair died earlier this year following a grueling practice in which training staff failed to properly diagnose and treat his condition. But there’s another culprit – or at least a contributing factor – that should not be overlooked,” says Joseph Cooper, an associate professor of educational leadership in the Neag School of Education.
In this episode of GatherGeeks, David Adler, C.E.O. of BizBash, and Beth Kormanik, editor in chief of BizBash, hear from Neag School alumna Amanda Slavin, the CEO and founder of experiential marketing agency CatalystCreativ. Slavin dives into the seven levels of event engagement and how brands can utilize them.
Superintendent of Schools Dr. Anna Cutaia announced the appointment of Dr. Amy Fedigan to the post of Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning for the Milford Public School district.
Over 75 students entering grades 6, 7, and 8 participated in a free STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) enrichment program at NFA this summer. Guided by NFA faculty in collaboration with aspiring teachers from UConn’s Neag School of Education, the young students from Norwich and surrounding towns received a summer boost in their STEM education with hands-on learning to explore creative approaches to scientific questions, applying mathematics to modern day problems, and solving complex STEM problems, while having fun working in teams with new friends.