Category: Students

Read stories, issue briefs, op-eds, and more by or about Neag School current students.

The Grace of Feminist: Grace Mandy

March 4, 2019

“I hope to be able to someday marry what I’ve learned at the Women’s Center with my teaching,” Grace explains. “At the Women’s Center, we’re constantly working on taking articles that we read, or videos that we watch, discussing them, and learning how to become people who can create a better world. This is a lesson I hope to apply to my own teaching practices!”

Beyond the Field: Claire Smith Shares Stories and Wisdom

February 12, 2019

Claire Smith, an African-American female, grew up in a time when both of her underrepresented identities first made their breakthroughs. She told of how both her parents grew up as big Jackie Robinson fans and how that had a trickle-down effect on her. In a time where blacks in America faced oppression in a multitude of areas in society, every breakthrough was of major significance.

How Teachers Can Support and Challenge Twice-Exceptional Students

January 10, 2019

“When I first started my student teaching, I understood that all of my students would have specific learning needs that must be addressed throughout the school year,” writes Caroline Galeota. “As a teacher with dual certifications in elementary education and special education, I knew I would need to support students with a wide range of talents and abilities. Yes, it was tough learning how to identify and implement supports that ensure academic growth for students, but with proper training and time in the classroom it became second nature.”