Sushruta Kunnenkeri teaching students at NFA

Sushruta Kunnenkeri ’18 MA: Finding His Path to Teaching

January 8, 2018

When Sushruta Kunnenkeri was a child, his father fostered a learning environment at the kitchen table, inviting his children to talk about science and history, giving them the confidence to explore new fields and ask questions — something Kunnenkeri, now an aspiring science teacher enrolled in the Teacher Certification Program for College Graduates (TCPCG), wants to encourage his students to do.

Jesse Mala

10 Questions With Ph.D. Students in Educational Leadership

January 3, 2018

Learning, Leadership, and Education Policy (LLEP) is a doctoral program available through the Neag School’s Department of Educational Leadership, offering concentrations in three areas: adult learning; leadership and education policy; and sport management. This installment of “10 Questions” connects with two current Ph.D. candidates in the LLEP program.

Scott Brown with educators in Colombia

Scott Brown Provides Training in Colombia as Fulbright Specialist

December 1, 2017

Since 2001, the Fulbright Specialist Program has been pairing a selection of top U.S. faculty experts and other professionals from a variety of disciplines with foreign host institutions for anywhere between two and six weeks to serve as consultants — sharing their knowledge and skills, and taking part in activities that support the host institution’s priorities and goals — while being immersed in other cultures.

Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor of Educational Psychology Scott Brown, who is certified as a Fulbright Specialist, accepted an assignment that sent him this past month to Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Pontifical Xavierian University) in Cali, Colombia.