Neag School of Education’s Professor to Examine Teacher Evaluation in New Haven

September 22, 2013

Morgaen Donaldson, an assistant professor of educational leadership at UConn’s Neag School of Education, has been awarded a Spencer Postdoctoral Fellowship from the National Academy of Education (NAEd) to study how incorporating student academic achievement in teachers’ performance evaluations affects teachers’ motivation and work behaviors. Donaldson will focus her research and data gathering on New […]

Suzanne Saunders Taylor: A Leader and Advocate for Women

September 16, 2013

Forty years ago, Suzanne Taylor was one of the key players in getting the Commission on the Status of Women launched in Connecticut. Just a few years prior, in the summer of 1970, she completed a Ph.D. at UConn and at the same time became divorced and responsible for two children, ages 10 and 12. […]

Neag School of Education Unleashes Leadership with New Hires

September 9, 2013

In 2012, UConn announced plans to embark on an ambitious, multi-year hiring initiative. Seeking to strategically expand its faculty in key research and teaching areas, UConn is hiring 500 tenure-track faculty members over the next four years. The Neag School of Education is proud to be part of this effort, adding 17 new faculty members. […]

What Matters in Teacher Preparation?

July 30, 2013

In recent years, concerns have emerged regarding the preparation of new teachers and their ability to work effectively in today’s complex classrooms.  Some entities have criticized traditional teacher preparation programs at colleges and universities particularly, focused on perceived weaknesses in content courses and field experiences. The Neag School of Education at the University of Connecticut […]

Matt Ross: From Eager College Student to Technology Leader and Father

July 30, 2013

After working for the Neag School of Education at UConn for almost half of his life, Matt Ross, ’01, ’07, recently announced that he’s leaving the world of technology in higher education to direct technology for the Farmington School District. A resident of Farmington for almost 10 years, he will be responsible for technology design, […]

REALL Makes Real Learning Possible For ELLs

July 30, 2013

It didn’t take long for New Britain fifth-grade teacher Kim Rosa Gionfriddo to realize the strategies she learned as a Neag School of Education REALL fellow to better teach students with limited English proficiency could  benefit native English-speaking students, too. “It’s a simple thing, but just by being more explicit and taking time to define […]

Transcendental Meditation May Boost Student Grades

July 30, 2013

A study of school pupils by Dr. Robert Colbert found that performing two 20-minute sessions of Transcendental Meditation each day improves academic achievement.  “While there are bright spots in public education today, urban schools on the whole tend to suffer from a range of factors which contribute to poor student academic performance and low graduation […]