Small Grant Makes Big Difference for Neag Alumna

July 19, 2012

As a graduate student 35 years ago, Paula Ivaska Robbins received a $500 grant from the UConn Research Foundation to provide funds for her Ph.D. dissertation. The grant allowed her to travel around New England, interviewing businessmen who had successfully navigated midlife career changes. It was a relevant topic for Robbins who, as director of […]

Tomorrow’s Teachers in Action Today

July 19, 2012

Kayla Everson and Sarah Harris have been busy shaping a successful future – for others, that is. Both seniors have been working with the academic intervention program UConn Connects to help their peers succeed. UConn Connects, which is part of the Academic Achievement Center, offers help to students who are struggling academically. This semester, more […]

Teaching: A Family Tradition

July 19, 2012

At six years of age, Rachel Buck ʼ01 (ED), ʼ02 MA already knew she wanted to be a teacher. A graduate of the Neag School of Educationʼs Integrated Bachelorʼs/Masterʼs (IBM) program, her five-year-old daughter now tells Buck that she wants to be a teacher when she grows up. “My children can do whatever they want […]

Helping Teachers Teach Writing

July 19, 2012

Many students at all levels struggle with writing. And many teachers welcome some help in working with them, too. The Connecticut Writing Project (CWP) at UConn is a resource both for those who teach writing, from kindergarten through college, and for the students they teach. The CWP-Storrs was established in 1982 with the goal of […]

Peter J. Nichols Scholarship in Educational Leadership

July 19, 2012

As announced in a previous Spotlight article, Provost and Executive Vice President Peter Nichols, Ph.D., is returning to the UConn faculty after serving the university with distinction. Dr. Nichols will teach in the Neag School of Education’s Department of Educational Leadership to build his experience in leadership and administration, as well as to engage in […]

UConn Embarking on Major Expansion of Faculty

July 19, 2012

As other institutions are slowing – or even reversing – the growth of their faculty, the University of Connecticut has embarked on one of the most ambitious faculty-hiring plans in U.S. higher education. Seeking to strategically expand its faculty in key research and teaching areas and boost the number of classes offered, UConn is aiming […]

Neag School Provides Teachers With PRIME Way to Implement, Maintain Interventions

July 19, 2012

Helping teachers successfully implement and sustain interventions needed to stop bullying, best implement a new curriculum, improve hand raising or address countless other behavioral and educational issues is the focus of the Neag School of Education’s Project PRIME, which is looking to partner with Connecticut schools and classrooms. The research study co-directed by Neag School […]

Preventing School Bullying Behavior

July 19, 2012

As sure as school bells begin to ring after Memorial Day, so too do news stories appear of students in elementary, middle, and high school being bullied. Some school districts have a new state “cyber bullying” law that allows administrators to punish students for what they say online. With one out of every three online […]