Author: Shawn Kornegay

UConn Produces An All-Time High 17 Gilman Scholars

June 14, 2022

Soribel Torres-Jimenez ’23 (ED), a bilingual elementary education major from Waterbury, who will present about English language learners and curriculum to pre-teaching majors at UConn. She will also partner with a professor to present to education students about bilingual education and to kindergarten students through the organization Jump Start.

Understanding Segregation and School Choice

June 8, 2022

Are school choice programs contributing to segregation in American schools? The answer is undoubtedly yes, according to a recent research brief published by the National Coalition on School Diversity and written by Casey Cobb, the Raymond Neag Endowed Professor of Educational Policy in UConn’s Neag School of Education.

School Mental Health Resources Critical to Ensuring Safe School Environments

June 7, 2022

“Whenever a mass shooting takes place in schools, public discussion often focuses on laws or policies that might have prevented the tragedy. But averting school violence needs more than gun policy. It requires both prevention and crisis response that take students’ emotional well-being – not just their physical safety – into account,” say authors Sandra Chafouleas and Amy Briesch.