Category: Alumni

Read stories about Neag School of Education alumni.

UConn Fulbright Scholars Have Bright Future

March 23, 2018

“My name is Lara Hawley and I am currently serving as a Fulbright English Teaching Assistant in South Africa for nine months,” says Lara Hawley. “I arrived in January and will be here until October. This first month in South Africa has been a whirlwind, but I have loved every single second of it!”

Roszena Haskins ’17 Ed.D.

Roszena Haskins ’17 Ed.D.: Opening Doors to Opportunity

March 22, 2018

Now an educator for more than 20 years, Roszena Haskins ’17 Ed.D. was not like her colleagues, who were inspired to become educators at an early age. It was not until her undergraduate college years at Temple University in Philadelphia, where she was studying radio, television, and film, along with English, that she thought about teaching.

8 Questions With a Wealth Manager

March 9, 2018

My name is Alexandra Mililli, and I am a wealth manager with the Fiorentino Group at UBS Financial Services, Inc. in Stamford, Connecticut. I earned my teaching certificate at UConn in the Neag School of Education. I went for my undergrad and master’s at UConn and then received an MBA at Sacred Heart University in Fairfield, Conn.

Statue of Liberty (Sean Flynn/UConn Photo)

Neag School Faculty, Students, and Alumni to Present at AERA 2018

March 9, 2018

This April in New York City, the American Educational Research Association (AERA)’s Annual Meeting will feature the work of more than 60 faculty researchers, graduate students, and alumni from UConn’s Neag School of Education. An audience of 15,000 scholars, policy experts, practitioners, and AERA members will convene April 13 to 17 for a program that will include upwards of 2,500 sessions focused on the theme of “The Dreams, Possibilities, and Necessity of Public Education.”