Category: Faculty

Read stories related to faculty experts at UConn’s Neag School of Education.

Understanding Segregation and School Choice

June 8, 2022

Are school choice programs contributing to segregation in American schools? The answer is undoubtedly yes, according to a recent research brief published by the National Coalition on School Diversity and written by Casey Cobb, the Raymond Neag Endowed Professor of Educational Policy in UConn’s Neag School of Education.

School Mental Health Resources Critical to Ensuring Safe School Environments

June 7, 2022

“Whenever a mass shooting takes place in schools, public discussion often focuses on laws or policies that might have prevented the tragedy. But averting school violence needs more than gun policy. It requires both prevention and crisis response that take students’ emotional well-being – not just their physical safety – into account,” say authors Sandra Chafouleas and Amy Briesch.

Report "Call for Action to Prevent Gun Violence"

Faculty Emeritus George Sugai One of a Coalition of National Researchers That Has Released a Violence Prevention Plan

June 1, 2022

The recent mass shootings across the country—and there have been 214 mass shootings in the first five months of 2022—are another painful reminder of failed efforts to stop the kind of gun violence that occurred at Sandy Hook Elementary School nearly ten years ago. An interdisciplinary group of scholars who have studied school safety and violence prevention for decades, including Professor Emerita George Sugai of the Neag School of Education, are calling for immediate government action to initiate scientifically-informed actions to reduce gun violence.