The seventh- and eighth-grade years can be tough times of adjustment for students transitioning from elementary school and preparing for high school. And for the past 10 years, Smith Middle School principal Donna Schilke has been there to help students navigate those difficult years.
This web seminar focused on key strategies for creating makerspaces, with insights from administrators at the Toms River Regional Schools in New Jersey and the Wallingford Public Schools in Connecticut, two districts with innovative, cutting-edge makerspace programs.
New Haven Register (The Neag School co-partnered with the Connecticut School Finance Project to help determine a special education funding model)
Connecticut Mirror (Neag School’s Michael Coyne is quoted on the positive impact of early intervention for reading)
Education Week (Neag School’s Donald Leu comments on media literacy and recent trend of fake news)
President Obama in January announced a new $4 billion national initiative, CS For All, to improve offerings of computer science classes in K-12 schools across the country.
The Berkshire Eagle (Neag School’s Michael Coyne led a research team to conduct workshops as part of a literacy research project)
Middletown Press (Neag School’s Alan Marcus was interviewed for this story on the importance of teaching ethics)
Inside IES Research (Neag School’s Michael Coyne was mentioned as a contributor for this special issue)
The Daily Campus (Neag School’s Gladis Kersaint and Tamika La Salle participated on the panel)