Category: Neag in the Media

Read stories by or about Neag School faculty, alumni, students, and other members of the community that appear in external news outlets.

6:20 a.m. — Megan Baker, principal at Tourtellotte Memorial High School in Thompson, Conn., starts off her day an hour before the school day, which begins at 7:20 a.m. She spends the time reviewing emails, preparing for the day, and gathering with her team. (Photo Credit: Cat Boyce)

Principal Preparation Program Undergoes Redesign

January 11, 2019

UConn is now one of seven universities that are part of The Wallace Foundation’s University Principal Preparation Initiative, a four-year, $48.5-million program aimed at improving training for aspiring administrators. The Foundation encourages administrator training that emphasizes the practical aspects of the job and includes instructors who have been school leaders themselves.

How Teachers Can Support and Challenge Twice-Exceptional Students

January 10, 2019

“When I first started my student teaching, I understood that all of my students would have specific learning needs that must be addressed throughout the school year,” writes Caroline Galeota. “As a teacher with dual certifications in elementary education and special education, I knew I would need to support students with a wide range of talents and abilities. Yes, it was tough learning how to identify and implement supports that ensure academic growth for students, but with proper training and time in the classroom it became second nature.”

Bristol Schools’ Chief Deputy to Lead System

January 10, 2019

Assistant Superintendent Catherine Carbone has been chosen to lead the city’s school system. Carbone had served as a senior administrator in the Hartford schools, and before that spent seven years as principal of Bristol’s Chippens Hill Middle School.