Many studies have found a positive impact on black students from having black teachers in elementary and secondary schools. A new working paper from the National Bureau of Economic Research finds that the positive impact may extend far beyond school, to whether black students enroll in college.
“The time itself doesn’t matter nearly as much as what you do with that time,” says Megan Staples. “You have just opened up space for a broader range of pedagogical strategies and innovation. … It opens up space for guest speakers, it opens up space to not be rushed through your curriculum.”
“The authors describe how a “bubble” happens, how certain populations are targeted, how they clamor to get in to what appears to be a good deal, then stampede out when the bubble bursts. This may be happening now in urban African American communities,” writes Ravitch. “This article is worth your time.”
UConn is now one of seven universities that are part of The Wallace Foundation’s University Principal Preparation Initiative, a four-year, $48.5-million program aimed at improving training for aspiring administrators. The Foundation encourages administrator training that emphasizes the practical aspects of the job and includes instructors who have been school leaders themselves.
“When I first started my student teaching, I understood that all of my students would have specific learning needs that must be addressed throughout the school year,” writes Caroline Galeota. “As a teacher with dual certifications in elementary education and special education, I knew I would need to support students with a wide range of talents and abilities. Yes, it was tough learning how to identify and implement supports that ensure academic growth for students, but with proper training and time in the classroom it became second nature.”
Assistant Superintendent Catherine Carbone has been chosen to lead the city’s school system. Carbone had served as a senior administrator in the Hartford schools, and before that spent seven years as principal of Bristol’s Chippens Hill Middle School.
UConn researchers are developing an immersive learning experience using virtual reality (VR) and game design to bring to life archival materials from the Nuremberg Trials.
Preston Green also has recently highlighted concerns that in voucher-style programs, civil rights protections typically do not follow children from public to private schools.
You don’t become the longest-tenured coach in the Football Bowl Subdivision by trying to figure it out on your own. In better understanding those challenges and distractions, Ferentz relies in no small part on fundamental, but powerful principles.
Former Newington superintendent William Collins will take over as superintendent of Ridgefield Public Schools in February.