University of Connecticut Professor Emeritus Vincent Rogers has announced an endowment to the University’s Neag School of Education, designating a legacy gift of $125,000 to expand the Rogers Educational Innovation Fund, according to the fund’s website. With the expansion, “The Rogers Award” will provide $5,000 annually to an elementary or middle school teacher in the state of Connecticut for use in the classroom, the fund’s website said.
The Hartford Foundation for Public Giving has awarded funding for a project focused on leadership training through the UConn Administrator Preparation Program (UCAPP), a school leadership program based at the Neag School that prepares highly qualified school administrators in Connecticut.
Neag School of Education professor emeritus Vincent Rogers has announced a planned bequest to the Neag School, designating a legacy gift of $125,000 to expand the Rogers Educational Innovation Fund in support of innovative projects carried out by teachers in Connecticut. Through his gift, elementary and middle-school teachers across the state will be able to apply annually for a $5,000 gift for use in the classroom.
Led by Erik Hines, assistant professor in the Department of Educational Psychology, students and faculty advisors from University of Connecticut’s ScHOLA2RS House traveled to the Bahia region of Brazil this spring to learn about the low access rate to higher education among Afro-Brazilian adolescents. Hines is the faculty advisor for the ScHOLA2RS House Learning Community.
Working alongside fellow UConn faculty and administrators, Neag School assistant professor Blanca Rincón will serve as co-principal investigator and researcher on a new five-year, $3.5 million National Science Foundation (NSF) grant dedicated to expanding diversity in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields.
The Daily Campus (Neag School’s Richard Gonzales was interviewed about the Wallace Foundation initiative)
WNPR (Neag School’s Richard Gonzales was interviewed about the Wallace Foundation grant given to the Neag School to strengthen its principal preparation program)
EdWeek (The Neag School was mentioned in article about the Wallace Foundation grant)
The Wallace Foundation (The Neag School to participate with initiative to improve how aspiring principals are trained, and then share the results)
This fall, the Neag School is joined by the second cohort of Dean’s Doctoral Scholars. The Dean’s Doctoral Scholars Program at UConn’s Neag School of Education provides full tuition for four years plus a stipend to promising Ph.D. candidates.