Author: Shawn Kornegay

Suzanne Saunders Taylor: A Leader and Advocate for Women

September 16, 2013

Forty years ago, Suzanne Taylor was one of the key players in getting the Commission on the Status of Women launched in Connecticut. Just a few years prior, in the summer of 1970, she completed a Ph.D. at UConn and at the same time became divorced and responsible for two children, ages 10 and 12. […]

Neag School of Education Unleashes Leadership with New Hires

September 9, 2013

In 2012, UConn announced plans to embark on an ambitious, multi-year hiring initiative. Seeking to strategically expand its faculty in key research and teaching areas, UConn is hiring 500 tenure-track faculty members over the next four years. The Neag School of Education is proud to be part of this effort, adding 17 new faculty members. […]

Matt Ross: From Eager College Student to Technology Leader and Father

July 30, 2013

After working for the Neag School of Education at UConn for almost half of his life, Matt Ross, ’01, ’07, recently announced that he’s leaving the world of technology in higher education to direct technology for the Farmington School District. A resident of Farmington for almost 10 years, he will be responsible for technology design, […]

Undergrad Kinesiology Student Receives National Research Award

July 30, 2013

Neag School of Education senior kinesiology student Luke Belval was recognized as a 2013 Undergraduate Research Excellence Fellow from the American Physiological Society (APS). The award targets undergraduate students with significant prior laboratory research experience and encourages students to pursue a career as a research scientist. Belval, one of six students in the United States […]

Neag School of Education Hosts 2013 Commencement

May 29, 2013

The Neag School of Education recognized graduates from the Class of 2013 during two ceremonies the weekend of May 11-12. The Neag School undergraduate commencement took place at the Jorgensen Auditorium on Sunday, May 12. Commencement for Neag School graduate students, including sixth-year students, took place Saturday, May 11, at Gampel Pavilion. The Graduate School […]

Come Reconnect with UConn Alumni!!!

May 29, 2013

Neag School of Education alumni, family, friends, and community members are invited to attend “A Taste of UConn,” part of Alumni Weekend 2013 on Saturday, June 8 from 12pm-3pm on the South Campus lawn and patio. Stop by the extra-large Fun House Bouncer for FREE Neag School of Education Give-Aways!!! Participate in some fun Husky […]

Neag Alumni Society Recognizes Outstanding Graduates

March 22, 2013

The Neag School of Education Alumni Society and the faculty of the Neag School of Education hosted the 15th Annual Awards Dinner on Saturday, March 9, 2013 at the South Campus Ballroom. The evening was memorable as faculty and alumni gathered to formally recognize the achievements of some of our outstanding graduates. The award recipients […]