“The expansion of college campuses into urban areas contributes to the issue of gentrification, as colleges and universities have the ability to impact the socio-cultural landscapes of the communities they choose to inhabit,” says Santana Mowbray, a graduate student in the Higher Education and Student Affairs program.
Every year just before Thanksgiving, UConn Baseball Head Coach Jim Penders leads a run up the steep hill at New Storrs Cemetery on the northern side of campus. The destination is the Storrs family grave, which sits on top of the hill – always with a clear view of Storrs Congregational Church, as stipulated by the Storrs brothers’ will.
“In order to reach the goal of a more diverse student population that is equitably served, it’s not enough to offer admission to a more diverse range of students — they must also be provided a network of programs and resources that supports their needs,” says Kailee Himes.
A coaching culture is wasted unless leaders design and implement positive conditions for coaching. We focus on ways school leaders can establish the four conditions that help coaches transform leading, teaching, and schooling.
As a first-generation college student from a low-income background, I did not have access to mental health treatment until I went to college. I struggled immensely my whole first year, and I decided to try the counseling center because the resident assistant on my floor recommended it to me.
Meet pre-service teacher Tamashi Hettiarachchi. She shares with us her experiences & resources she finds helpful in learning how to teach NGSS. Her passion and energy is contagious
Eyewitness News has been getting an in-depth look at what’s happening in Connecticut classrooms.
A survey was sent to 50,000 local teachers about a variety of topics.
One of those topics is, ‘have teachers been threatened by students?’ and, ‘do they want to carry guns?’
Even though suicide is the second-most common cause of death among college students — 1,000 students take their lives each year on college campuses — universities haven’t found the right solutions to their students’ mental health problems.
“I think it should alarm us in the sense that American children – and more specifically Connecticut children – are not nearly as physically fit,” VanHeest said. “Just like reading and math scores, this matters.
Green said the most obvious issue for AUB was Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which states that any entity that takes federal funds, including universities, may not discriminate on the basis of race, color or national origin.