Bert Wachtelhausen.

10 Questions: Neag School Distinguished Alumna Bert Wachtelhausen

April 22, 2020

Former UConn women’s basketball player and recreational therapy graduate Bert Wachtelhausen ’81 (ED) has shaped a thriving career combining skills she honed as a Division I athlete with her longtime interests in physical health and helping others. Climbing the corporate health insurance ladder in what for many years remained a male-dominated industry, Wachtelhausen has long since shattered the glass ceiling to excel as a senior executive who now serves as president of startup WellSpark Health.

James Kaufman

Creativity in a Coronavirus World

April 13, 2020

These are grim and scary times. A tolerance for ambiguity is often considered to be a hallmark of a creative personality, but the complete uncertainty we are facing would daunt even the most open of people. Like many, I have been trying to seek out silver linings.

Teacher with a student at the library

New Online Graduate Certificate on Educating Bilingual Learners

April 13, 2020

The Neag School’s Educating Bilingual Learners online graduate certificate program offers general education teachers and other school personnel an opportunity to learn how to better support English Learners in their classrooms. The four-class, 12-credit graduate certificate can be earned fully online, making it accessible to educators across the country. 

Open laptop with instructor on screen.

How to Create a Classroom Teaching Matrix for Remote Instruction

March 31, 2020

This practice brief shares tips for maintaining continuity of learning through defining classroom expectations for remote (i.e., distance) instruction and online learning environments. With a few adaptations, teachers can use a PBIS framework to make remote learning safe, predictable, and positive.

School-wide positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS) is an evidence-based framework for improving school climate, social-emotional competence, and academic achievement, and decreasing unsafe behavior in schools. Just as in a brick-and-mortar school, PBIS can be used to make virtual (i.e., online) education more effective.

Doug Glanville.

Q&A: Glanville Brings Major League Experience to UConn

March 23, 2020

If you are a baseball fan, the name Doug Glanville is probably familiar. Glanville, who studied engineering at the University of Pennsylvania, had a nine-year career in the major leagues, including a five-year stint with the Philadelphia Phillies. But UConn students may know him in an additional capacity: Glanville became an adjunct professor in the Neag School of Education in the fall of 2019.