“It’s easy to call overt sexism ‘sexism,’” says Laura Burton, a professor at the Neag School who studies gender issues in sports. “It’s so much more difficult when it becomes more subtle and more implicit. It’s harder to name it, and it’s harder to see it and put our finger on it.”
Not every day do you meet a young teacher that comes back to his hometown to teach and inspire youth while running his own company, but that is the case with Justis Lopez.
Lopez is a social studies teacher at Manchester High School and the owner of Just Experience, LLC.
University of Connecticut Professor Del Siegle has been named Associate Dean for Research and Faculty Affairs for the Neag School of Education.
ACSD Express (Neag School’s Shaun Dougherty co-wrote a report with the Thomas B. Fordham Institute on the impact of career and technical education programs)
“As educators, we can help our students develop their capacity to respond more creatively to uncertainty by making a few slight adjustments in our daily teaching practices,” says Neag School professor Ronald Beghetto.
“What has made ‘fake news’ so visible this year is that it appears to have played a role in an important national election,” said Donald J. Leu, director of The New Literacies Research Lab at the University of Connecticut.
In a recent study, Don Leu found that with these computers, 7th graders in Maine were much better at researching online than students in Connecticut. This is good news, he says, and it shows that Maine students have a step up in digital literacy.
Changes in schools needed to face down fake news epidemic. Internet literacy needs to be priority, says Neag School professor Don Leu.
The seventh- and eighth-grade years can be tough times of adjustment for students transitioning from elementary school and preparing for high school. And for the past 10 years, Smith Middle School principal Donna Schilke has been there to help students navigate those difficult years.
This web seminar focused on key strategies for creating makerspaces, with insights from administrators at the Toms River Regional Schools in New Jersey and the Wallingford Public Schools in Connecticut, two districts with innovative, cutting-edge makerspace programs.