Are charter schools like polluting industries? That’s a provocative analogy, but two University of Connecticut researchers explore it in a recent paper. They contend that, while some charter schools may help students, the sector needs stronger regulation to prevent harm to students and school districts. “I would argue that, even if there are benefits, that does not give you carte blanche to not regulate or mitigate the harms that occur,” Preston C. Green III, the paper’s lead author, told me.
For more than 50 years, the University of Connecticut Alumni Faculty Excellence Awards have served as an opportunity to recognize the outstanding contributions and achievements of the University’s faculty members to the institution, their current and former students, and their respective areas of academic discipline.
Elizabeth Zagata, Neag School doctoral candidate in the Department of Educational Psychology, prepared the following rapid research brief on superintendent relationships with school boards with the Center for Education Policy Analysis, Research, and Evaluation (CEPARE).
Hoeft also created the “B.R.A.I.N. Camp” reading intervention program with Devin Kearns, a professor of educational psychology in the Neag School of Education; and the highly successful “Ask a Brain Scientist” online series of hands-on science classwork used by hundreds of children registered from around Connecticut and elsewhere in the U.S.
Throughout the academic year, the Neag School is proud to share the latest achievements of its faculty, staff, students, and alumni. Explore their most recent promotions, awards, retirements, publications, and more: Dean’s Office Department of Curriculum and Instruction and Teacher Education Department of Educational Leadership Department of Educational Psychology Faculty/Staff Students Alumni In Memoriam Dean’s […]
Sally Reis, the Leticia Morgan Chair in Educational Psychology at the Neag School of Education, first connected to the University of Connecticut during her master’s program at Southern Connecticut State University in the mid-1970s. While in one class, she heard UConn Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor Joseph Renzulli talk about his work in educational psychology, specifically his internationally-known and pioneering work in gifted and talented with the Enrichment Triad Model.
Thanks to 494 individuals, the Neag School of Education garnered more than $25,000 in contributions during this spring’s annual Giving Day at UConn. The University-wide fundraising event raised over $504,000 in total for UConn in just 36 hours, with incoming donations set up to support everything from scholarships and academic programs to student groups and athletics. The Neag School, including its Alumni Board, promoted seven different education- and sport management-affiliated projects during this year’s Giving Day campaign, held over the course of two days in March.
For several years I also worked with Alan Marcus at the Neag School of Education on Teaching American History grants to give intense annual teacher training on how to bring Connecticut history into the classroom. As part of that we got involved with the State Board of Education’s revision of the state curriculum. I am proud to say they incorporated into the last round of the frameworks a quasi-requirement that when you teach American history in Connecticut you use as many examples as possible from Connecticut history to tell those stories. That I feel is a kind of a victory.
To commemorate the 50th Anniversary of Title IX’s passage this June, the University of Connecticut’s Human Rights Institute, in collaboration with the Neag School of Education Sport Management Program, recently hosted a “Beyond the Field” roundtable discussing the past, present, and future of the landmark gender equity legislation.
Enduring the turmoil of a global pandemic for more than two years now, many of us have struggled. We can recognize the importance of self-care and wellness, but not everyone has necessarily adopted a daily meditation practice or quit their late-night doomscrolling. By now, though, perhaps we can admit to ourselves one thing: It’s OK to not be OK in every moment.