Category: News & Events

Read stories about recent Neag School news and events including research grant announcements, appointments, and awards.

Gentry Building.

Neag School Accolades: Summer 2022

September 26, 2022

Throughout the academic year, the Neag School is proud to share the latest achievements of its faculty, staff, students, and alumni. Explore their most recent promotions, awards, retirements, publications, and more: Dean’s Office Department of Curriculum and Instruction and Teacher Education Department of Educational Leadership Department of Educational Psychology Faculty/Staff Students Alumni In Memoriam Dean’s […]

Report "Call for Action to Prevent Gun Violence"

Faculty Emeritus George Sugai One of a Coalition of National Researchers That Has Released a Violence Prevention Plan

June 1, 2022

The recent mass shootings across the country—and there have been 214 mass shootings in the first five months of 2022—are another painful reminder of failed efforts to stop the kind of gun violence that occurred at Sandy Hook Elementary School nearly ten years ago. An interdisciplinary group of scholars who have studied school safety and violence prevention for decades, including Professor Emerita George Sugai of the Neag School of Education, are calling for immediate government action to initiate scientifically-informed actions to reduce gun violence.

UConn Neag School of Education Journal logo.

Neag School Graduate Students Launch Education Research Journal

April 7, 2022

A group of graduate students at UConn’s Neag School of Education have launched the School’s first academic journal. The journal is now welcoming submissions through the end of May for its inaugural edition, slated for publication in Fall 2022. Under development for nearly a year, the Neag School of Education Journal is an editor-reviewed, open-access, annual journal.