Scholars House; Reuben Pierre-Louis; Theta 360 view; UConn Learning Community; African American Men

10 Questions With Reuben Pierre-Louis, Future Special Education Teacher

August 26, 2016

Current UConn student Reuben Pierre-Louis ’17 (ED), ’18 MA is set to begin his senior year in the Neag School’s five-year Integrated Bachelor’s/Master’s (IB/M) program with a concentration in special education. In addition, he will be serving as a resident assistant this coming academic year in UConn’s new ScHOLA²RS House Learning Community.

Line of individuals clapping for accolades.

Neag School Accolades, July-August 2016

August 25, 2016

Congratulations to our Neag School alumni, faculty, staff, and students on their continued accomplishments inside and outside the classroom. If you have an accolade to share, we want to hear from you! Please send any news items (and story ideas) to

Sarah Hodge

First-Generation College Grad and First-Year Teacher Comes Full Circle

August 25, 2016

When recent Neag School graduate Sarah Hodge ’15 (ED), ’16 MA was still a high schooler, she enrolled as one of the first students in the Teacher Preparatory Studies Program at Bulkeley High School, an initiative funded by Bank of America and designed to prepare and encourage talented students, particularly from minority groups, to become teachers. Although she found that she liked working with students, a teaching career was not necessarily what she thought she wanted to pursue at the time.

Teacher Leadership Academy

Neag School Hosts Inaugural Teacher Leadership Academy in Storrs

August 18, 2016

This past July on the Storrs campus, 11 current teacher leaders representing 10 school districts from across the state spent five days engaged in a variety of learning activities during the inaugural Teacher Leadership Academy. The academy, hosted by the Neag School of Education from July 25-29, 2016, and co-directed by assistant professors Rachael Gabriel, Jennie Weiner, and Sarah Woulfin, was designed to enhance participants’ ability to support high-quality instruction, create conditions for reform, and lead change in Connecticut schools.