Category: Students

Read stories, issue briefs, op-eds, and more by or about Neag School current students.

Students in Brazil

UConn ScHOLA2RS House Students Experience Brazil

June 8, 2017

Led by Erik Hines, assistant professor in the Department of Educational Psychology, students and faculty advisors from University of Connecticut’s ScHOLA2RS House traveled to the Bahia region of Brazil this spring to learn about the low access rate to higher education among Afro-Brazilian adolescents. Hines is the faculty advisor for the ScHOLA2RS House Learning Community.

Monique Duzant-Hastings

New Partnership Benefits Aspiring Special Education Teachers

June 5, 2017

Since 2015, Monique Duzant-Hastings has been working with students in grades 5 through 8 who have social, emotional, and behavioral needs. Thanks to the Neag School’s new partnership with her employer, the LEARN Regional Educational Service Center, she has now found a way to advance her career by pursuing certification as a K-12 special education teacher — at no cost to her. The new partnership offers LEARN personnel like Duzant-Hastings — a busy mother of three — the opportunity to apply for admission to the Neag School’s Teacher Certification Program for College Graduates (TCPCG) in special education at UConn’s Avery Point campus.

Ullinger Adapts to Change at UConn

May 15, 2017

Joining the UConn rowing program as a sophomore was admittedly intimidating for Katie Ullinger, a transfer from the University of Rhode Island where she was a swimmer in her freshman year. Three years later in her senior campaign, she has racked up a few rowing accolades and a lifetime of memories since becoming a Husky.

Marisa Maccario and UConn Women's Ice Hockey Team

10 Questions With Student-Athlete Marisa Maccario ’18 (ED)

April 18, 2017

UConn women’s ice hockey forward Marisa Maccario ’18 (ED), a native of Marblehead, Mass., has been playing on a hockey team since the age of 5. Currently a sport management major in the Neag School, talks here about her experience as a student-athlete, about her favorite class at UConn, and more.

Degnans with Kimberly Duhart

Students, Donors Celebrate at Annual Scholarship Awards Ceremony

April 13, 2017

The Neag School of Education honored more than 100 of its students last night at its Annual Scholarship Awards Ceremony. Formerly known as the Honors Day Celebration, the event — held at the Jorgensen Center for Performing Arts on the UConn Storrs campus — brought together current students receiving Neag School-affiliated scholarships in the coming academic year; their guests; and the donors whose contributions to the Neag School make these sources of financial support possible.